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need a sulotin for this


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need a solution for this made some  custom php and gzip.php now nee to know how to get this to work the issue is when all this is add it breaks the ips them i have not tryed it with any other them  but i think this would benefit for us all when it comes to performance



Step 1: PHP Configuration

Add or modify the following lines in your custom php.ini file:

output_handler = Off
zlib.output_compression = On
zlib.output_handler = ob_gzhandler

Now this will take care of gzipping all PHP files.

Step 2: .htaccess Configuration

Add the following lines to the bottom of a .htaccess file in the root of your website.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*\.js) gzip.php?type=js&file=$1
RewriteRule ^(.*\.css) gzip.php?type=css&file=$1

This will redirect all requests for .css and .js files through gzip.php, which we will create in the next step.

Step 3: File Processing PHP Script

The following PHP script will inherently use the PHP compression you’ve already enabled and also add headers to your files take advantage of your client’s browser cache to make subsequent loads faster.

Create a file named gzip.php in your website’s root and add the following lines to it:

//check that zlib compression is enabled
if(!ini_get('zlib.output_compression')){ die(); }
$allowed = array('css','js'); //set array of allowed file types to prevent abuse
//check for request variable existence and that file type is allowed
if(isset($_GET['file']) && isset($_GET['type']) && in_array(substr($_GET['file'],strrpos($_GET['file'],'.')+1), $allowed)){
	$data = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$_GET['file']); // grab the file contents
	$etag = '"'.md5($data).'"'; // generate a file Etag
	header('Etag: '.$etag); // output the Etag in the header
	// output the content-type header for each file type
	switch ($_GET['type']) {
		case 'css':
			header ("Content-Type: text/css; charset: UTF-8");
		case 'js':
			header ("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8");
	header('Cache-Control: max-age=300, must-revalidate'); //output the cache-control header
	$offset = 60 * 60;
	$expires = 'Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',time() + $offset) . ' GMT'; // set the expires header to be 1 hour in the future
	header($expires); // output the expires header
	// check the Etag the browser already has for the file and only serve the file if it is different
	if ($etag == $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) {
		header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
		header('Content-Length: 0');
	} else {
		echo $data;

Great! With these steps in place your css and javascript files will be processed by gzip.php and output using PHP’s gzip compression library (zlib).

This method can be extended to more filetypes by adding to the allowed file types in gzip.php and adding more lines to your .htaccess file.


is there a way to get this to work if so how and what to add from the them from breaking

here is the issue with this when it is placed in side your .htaccess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*\.js) gzip.php?type=js&file=$1
RewriteRule ^(.*\.css) gzip.php?type=css&file=$1


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