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3.4.8 Chat Error - #CJOIN-0


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There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator.     #CJOIN-0
For those of us not able to migrate to 4 just yet, are we up the creek without a paddle? No support at all? I mean we paid for this thing....
I haven't used my chat for a long time, and today discovered it is not working anyways. Getting the above error no matter what I do.
Can anyone suggest anything, or is this maybe discontinued for version 3.x.x?
Not showing any specific reason, and there are no logs...so probably hasn't worked in a while. But have a few members wanting to use it, and I can only go to 4 at the end of the year due to certain reasons. Appreciate any advice.

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4 hours ago, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

Thank you. Pity....could have been handy with some work. I guess I will look at 3rd party applications, but I guess they won't integrate.

Sadly you may struggle a little on IPB v3. I think comet chat, arrow chat and few others still have v3 plugins but not sure tbh.

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