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Photobucket - Rescuing Images


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With photo bucket changing their business model, will any of the photo cache add ons give the ability to retro-actively download images that are hosted on Photobucket and proxy them locally? 

Looking for a way to fix the cluster F of dead links.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone found a solution for this? After the new photobucket ransomware practice many users images dont show.
Maybe possible some way to block the photobucket default image so we can download the images to https proxy using a script? and then block the future use of photobucket.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone find a good solution to this issue?

I see that if I use extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/photobucket-embed-fix/naolkcpnnlofnnghnmfegnfnflicjjgj in chrome, the pictures are loaded as normal.

Also there is an interresting article here about the issue.. seems like this could be easily fixed..? http://blog.kaizen-web.com/php/how-to-automatically-download-linked-photobucket-images/


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