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change format of custom field?

Ocean West

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You can modify template core->front->profile->profile with:

{{$fields['core_pfield_2'] = str_replace ('<br>',',',$fields['core_pfield_2']);}}

Inserted in before the profile fields loop (search cProfileFields).

2 is the id of the profile field (if you edit profile field you will see id at end of url in browser).

The resulting area should look like:

                            <div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPad'>
 				<ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing cProfileFields'>
                                   {{$fields['core_pfield_2'] = str_replace ('<br>',',',$fields['core_pfield_2']);}}
                                   {{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}
  					<li class='ipsDataItem ipsType_break'>
						<span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 ipsType_break'><strong>{lang="$field"}</strong></span>
						<span class='ipsDataItem_generic'><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'>{$value|raw}</div></span>


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