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Help - Blank Page for Me /discover/* - Where to look in DB?


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For most of the day https://thesandtrap.com/discover/6/ (my personal favorite stream), /discover/unread/, and the other /discover/something/ stuff hasn't worked for me. It works sometimes but most of the time I get a blank white page.

https://thesandtrap.com/discover/ does work.

I asked 15 other members and tried other browsers with my daughter's account and a friend's account, and the URLs work for them. It's just my account, for some reason. Clearing cached data, disabling plugins, resetting the theme… none of that matters.

I'm not opposed to looking at the database and tweaking something. It feels like the kind of problem that might exist on my account: tracking which threads I've read and that sort of stuff.

So the question is… what table in the database should I be looking at to check the "read status" of my user's data, and is there anything else to note before I poke around in there?

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2 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

Take a look in your logs. Maybe something is there. 

Thank you for the response.

Thing is… I don't really care what's in the logs. They're pretty normal. The streams work for every other user, and it seems that I'm getting errors because of the data associated with my member account and the read/unread status.

I've looked over the database and I don't see where this information is stored. I'm tempted to try the "Mark site as read" link with my account to see if it resets everything, but I don't want to lose the read status of some things, so I'm trying to visit and read them first.

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15 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

You should care.

@Adriano Faria, I looked. Without re-configuring the server and doing a whole bunch of testing, nothing of note stood out at all. Zip.

I marked my site as read and now my account works again. I still have no idea where in the database the read/unread status is stored, but it's now been cleared up for my account, so all is well again.

15 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

DB? It will show that the stream X is tied to user Y. That's all. The error is happening due to a "bad" record or something. 

That's the point of my question: where is the read/unread status of things stored? Because through my testing that seemed to be the root cause of the issue.

That's why I asked the question I asked. I've been poking around this for four hours now, and only after looking at the logs and poking around and doing a bunch of testing did I come to ask a specific question.

It's fine that you don't know the answer.


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