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5 Day Limit on Signatures...

Primus Palus

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There isn't a limit, as far as I know, so maybe you've done something like the below to get in to this situation?

Created a new group, and set the 'Can use signatures?' setting to Yes.

Modified the Members group, set 'Can use signatures?" to No and set Group Promotion to promote members to the new group based on x days since joining.

The above would mean that Members can't use signatures until x days after joining, at which point they have been promoted to the group that has the ability to edit signatures.

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1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Create a new group, and set the 'Can use signatures?' setting to Yes.

Modify the Members group, set 'Can use signatures?" to No and set Group Promotion to promote members to the new group based on x days since joining.

Thanks. I just found it about 10 seconds before you posted. :p Apparently Admins are restricted by default which is rather silly. All is good. Thanks.

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