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Chat Text Invisible?


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I am using the 5 member (free) version of IPS chat on my site and I have noticed a bug with it that I cannot figure out or fix. Namely, I can only see my text when I type in the chatroom, but not anyone else's that is typing. This happens in both main and private chat tabs/windows, and ONLY when the application is set to open inside the forum community. When I set it to open in a new window, this problem no longer exists and I am able to view everyone's posts just fine. What could be causing this and how can I fix it?

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Next step would be (if possible) to test this in a different browser temporarily. If you mainly use say I.E or Firefox, if you can try it in Chrome / Safari etc. This way you've ruled out it being theme or browser specific which are the first couple of things I'd (myself) want to check for this kind of issue. :)

I don't think its likely to be a language pack concern though given its their 'own' text not any built in strings being effected.

I would though probably suggest submitting a support ticket at this stage anyway so a support technician can take a quick look at this for you. :)

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21 minutes ago, Faelwen said:

Yep, I did that as well. Tested in Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari - the issue persists. I did submit a support ticket though. I appreciate all the helpful suggestions you've given. :) Thank you.

You're very welcome. :) For these kind of issues its always worth a moment checking that it still has the concern on a different browser / default theme just to rule out a few basics first.

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