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4.1 Following/Activity Stream


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I'm wondering how IPS see the 'follow user' feature working in relation to the Activity streams? At the moment, you get everyone's "likes" and "follows" in the Activity stream as default (without following people). What is the benefit in following people if that happens as default? Shouldn't the streams show you new content as default, then you have to follow people to get their interactions with the content included into your streams? 

If IPS are going to keep it as it is working now, is there an option to hide that content from the stream and only show it for people you're following (like Facebook or Twitter do it)?

Personally, I think if it's hidden it makes following people far more important. Giving more importance to that features then allows you to recreate the 'friend/follower benefits' that you see on Twitter/Facebook. At the moment, there's no real need to follow anyone for any reason, is there? Seems like a real waste of the feature.

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45 minutes ago, Charles said:

The All Activity stream shows literally that: all activity. It has no filtering options.

You can of course create other streams with filters though if you like.

But if I want to use the system globally to recreate the 'follow' setup Twitter/Facebook have (where you have to follow users to see what they like/follow), is that possible?

39 minutes ago, chilihead said:

acp for AA only



If I hide that stuff from the stream as default, does a user following another member still see these things in their streams? If so, I can replicate how Twitter/Facebook do things. If not, then it might be something to look at for IPS.

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9 minutes ago, GabrielS said:

If I hide that stuff from the stream as default, does a user following another member still see these things in their streams? If so, I can replicate how Twitter/Facebook do things. If not, then it might be something to look at for IPS.

I don't know.

If I go to a member page I see all this info in their member stream though. I don't know much about following, I don't follow any members.

Would be a good setting: Disable in AA. "If following a member, show. Y/N"

I wonder how the stream works when choosing an author stream. "Content by specific members." I think it should show their, by choice, also.

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7 minutes ago, chilihead said:

I don't know.

If I go to a member page I see all this info in their member stream though. I don't know much about following, I don't follow any members.

Would be a good setting: Disable in AA. "If following a member, show. Y/N"

I wonder how the stream works when choosing an author stream. "Content by specific members." I think it should show their, by choice, also.

I think there has to be more reason to follow people. You have no incentive now. You can pretty much message whomever you want, you see everything everyone is doing as default, what's the point in the feature?

If you got more information about the person you followed, or access to message them, the whole functionality comes to life.

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I have to agree, if disabling Likes and certain alerts from AA, it's a good idea to keep them on for people you follow. Even on FB you only see your "friends'" activity. And you can stay a friend and unfollow as well. 4.1, it's going to get really cluttered. Especially since you can Like your own post (as here), people will Like their own to put it in the stream. I think I will keep self-Liking OFF! :) 

I've considered turning off the alerts in AA just because of all the Like action my site gets, but it does make a lot of sense for followers! Good idea.

As long as members know it's people they follow so they don't think they are missing activity in some cases. Maybe a member setting.

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