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Trying to do a test upgrade


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I was wondering if someone could help me. I'm trying to do a test upgrade on my forum to IPB 4. I made a copy of all my main forum files into a sub folder, updated the conf file to reflect a new url and the backup mysql DB but only a white page loads making me unable to upgrade.


Anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

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The only files you need to copy from your existing old installation are "conf_global.php" and the "uploads" directory.

So I would first create a fresh empty directory for your test installation. Unzip the IPB 4 download contents into that directory.

Then copy across your conf_global.php into this new fresh directory, and copy the contents of your old upload directory into the new empty uploads.

Then finally point your browser at the /admin/upgrade directory within your new installation.

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Thanks, but I ran into a problem:


Table '*DB prefix*_core_tasks' doesn't exist File: /system/Db/Db.php Line: 300


I got that error, know whats up with that? (I edited the first part to hide my DB prefix.) Is it because its not detecting my copy mysql DB?

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thanks, I was able to get further in the upgrade process but now I'm getting this error:


Unknown column 'sys_module_admin' in 'where clause'    1054
applications/core/setup/upg_40000/queries.json - query #4


I created a new data base and all new files before doing the upgrade process. So not sure what could be left causing the issue.

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Prior to you beginning any upgrade did you ensure the test forum was actually working?

If I was in your position right now then I would stop and begin the whole process again - take your live site files and move to a test location. Backup the live database and restore it to a test database. Make relevant changes as per the above linked thread and ensure the test site is working first.....then upgrade.

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Then it didn't work - so it's a flawed test. You will be wasting your time continuing with your current upgrade, as you've got an unknown start point, and following those instructions in the thread linked will get you sorted - several of us will be able to help you with getting to a good start point if you run into any problems with those steps.

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