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Run Background Task Permission Error


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I have had IP4 (Beta/RC) for some time now, mostly playing with it as a fresh install.  However, recently we made a copy of our live site to do a "dry run" upgrade to see where some issues may lie in the upgrade process.

After upgrading you have all those background tasks, which I know depend on board activity.  I have tried to manually run them, some ran, but now I am getting this error:

Sorry, you do not have permission for that!

1S111/1 mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement

After getting that error, the tasks stop running and I am not much further ahead.  As I am still learning the in's and out's of IP4, anyone have any idea on what could be the issue?

Thank you,


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I ended up setting up a cron and so far so good, its still going, but its actually progressing now.  All in all it is a test board that will be removed as there were multiple issues with the upgrade (missing pages, cannot login to front end etc).

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