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Users with protection 6scan Important Read before you install IPB 4.0

Cristian Romero

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Hello, dear community after several days struggling to install version 4 of invision. including support and equipment I try to install on my hosting. was not possible continamente giving installation error. it was not possible to upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4.00.

Regrettably after having to remove the entire forum make a new installation wasting my time user forums. reinstall the error Contia all the time.

Error: The message was that I had to change the forum / admin / install.php route 777 after never do end the installation.

Solution if you have installed the protection of 6scan a company to protect against SQL scripts or injeccion or other malware. you have to delete the file that is created in the ftp htaccess copy before the desktop or elsewhere.

so let the installation run entirely smoothly as I did once installation is complete is added again to ftp my htaccess hosting.

This is all the really recommend these forums because for me is the only thing better service support forums both in price and quality and design. I hope my contribution solve this problem many users have 6scan thanks :) greetings from Spain ;)

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