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Changing domains results in 15 dollar charge?


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​Did you quote the wrong person or am I missing something? My statement 100% agrees with yours lol.

​I was agreeing with you, sorry, my post was worded a bit ambiguously :tongue:

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In genuine cases where it's just a matter of switching to a subdirectory or subdomain, you can always submit a ticket and request and override.  You never know, if you ask nicely you might just get what you want. :)

​I really doubt IPS is going to make a huge fuss over waiving a $15 fee when you're obviously not trying to abuse the system.

Unless you've personally had IPS rudely refuse to waive the fee for you before I don't think the attitude is really necessary.

It's surprising what simply asking nicely can do in regards to fees. Almost every time I've ever asked a company to waive a fee like this for me they've done so without issue. Rudely demanding to have the fee waived is unlikely to get you anywhere though.


Asking "nicely" is besides the point. They pick and choose winners and losers based on a lack of policy. Picking winners based on bias, if they suck up, or if someone is a buddy is just worse.


Asking "nicely" is besides the point. They pick and choose winners and losers based on a lack of policy. Picking winners based on bias, if they suck up, or if someone is a buddy is just worse.

No. ​Their police is charge $15 for the domain move. Getting it for free is a present from IPS. If you've ever been polite to a person in retail you may benefit from it, this is not because they don't know their policy, it's because they appreciate nice, understanding customers and want to actually help them vs the demanding customers which you'd rather give a cactus to then anything they want. True story.

OT: this now 3 pages....


Asking "nicely" is besides the point. They pick and choose winners and losers based on a lack of policy. Picking winners based on bias, if they suck up, or if someone is a buddy is just worse.

I like to think I am polite and a big advocate of IPS but I have had both positive and negative answers from IPS in support tickets. I've never seen any evidence of a bias. Do you have evidence to support your claim? I am guessing not.

I think this thread needs to be locked now since it's serving no purpose other than for whining and complaining.



This process should be automated and the system should be robust enough to determine if what's being moved should be charged for upgrade or refunded(credited) for difference. If someone wants something moved catch it up with the rest or get a credit, whatever, but the license owner should be able to move it without prejudice and on demand imo. There's also legit reasons for more than one move for example, I had my store moved to a new domain because it was not used at another domain and could be used at another, at that time I should of switched another app and didn't, so now I'm waiting till next year to do that just to avoid a 15 dollar charge because I used my one time.

Submitting support tickets is a burden on everyone from the staff to end user, isn't there a easier way?


It really bemuses me how big of an issue some people want to make this out to be.

I really think some people just like to complain.

There have been multiple staff replies explaining why this is the way it is. This is not a big issue. You shouldn't be changing domains more than every 6 months. If you are, you're probably doing something wrong, you shouldn't be. In the rare scenario where you actually need to and want to avoid the fee, IPS has already said you can take 5 minutes of your time to write a support ticket explaining your situation and request a waiver, since if you're willing to do this it would be unlikely you're trying to game the system. This is not IPS trying to exploit you. This is not unfair or unjustified. This is a reasonable and understandable policy.


Does the software pro-rate when you transfer it? So if you let's say switch a app that was just renewed to a domain then have it transferred to another domain where the ipb software is about to expire do you get credit for that or are you charged full renewal on that app that was just transferred? Just a question :)


I am guessing not​

​I did with something else where I was given a no. Someone from IPS  on another forum for others to view basically said my reason for a no was because I was hostile. I was not.

If you think giving inconsistent service is fine, then fine.


That's not bias. If somebody is rude or hostile then I would be inclined to say no too. It's your word against whoever that was, if they were even staff, but it's still not bias. Bias is when there is a clear preference or prejudice to one person, or persons, over others. I don't see any evidence of that here.


I would expect the reasoning to hold most importance even if someone is rude. To a point I can see hostility being a reason for saying no. It's a good thing I wasn't one of those people as it would make my case for this discussion here difficult. 

Bias or not, they are inconsistent on how they pick the winners.


If you believe there are problems with the level of professionalism IPS' support department has, it would probably be best to take and post that feedback in a new topic for discussion.

Or perhaps try and escalate your concerns with Charles if he's available.


I would expect the reasoning to hold most importance even if someone is rude. To a point I can see hostility being a reason for saying no. It's a good thing I wasn't one of those people as it would make my case for this discussion here difficult. 

Bias or not, they are inconsistent on how they pick the winners.

​Seriously, you're whining over nothing. There are no winners, this is no lottery, this is no competition. This is about being reasonable surrounding circumstances of a customer and not heartless policy robots like you want them to be. I'm sure you have better things to do.... like adding more quotes to your signature from famous people to fuel your superiority.


I don't agree with fairness and equal ground being something not worth saying something about. I wouldn't be a policy robot if I didn't have a heart.


I would expect the reasoning to hold most importance even if someone is rude. To a point I can see hostility being a reason for saying no. It's a good thing I wasn't one of those people as it would make my case for this discussion here difficult.

Bias or not, they are inconsistent on how they pick the winners.

​Everywhere I've seen you post, you are always hostile.

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You're always welcome to contact is if you feel that you have a valid reason to change URLs but you've used up your quota. We're really nice people, promise.


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