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Kindly would you guys help me optimize my php.ini file. Ever since I started my website every trouble I had with the hosting server was because php.ini file missing something IPB needed. With time I added what was need as I come across a wall with IPB. To avoid future problem and to give IPB better performance could you guys help me please add needed codes or adjustments to my php.ini

Here is what I have:

memory_limit = 256M

upload_max_filesize = 500M

post_max_size = 500M

safe_mode = off

If you could provide me with your own php.ini settings or tell me what can I add to improve. Ty very much.

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IPB will tell you on the very first page of installation / upgrade if any setting/limit for php is lacking. Unfortunately, I don't know what they are off head and I'm too lazy to give anymore than 1 min to search for you (in which was futile). I suggest you find this documentation.

I do, however, strongly discourage copying someone else's php settings.

Btw, your 500MB of file size limit for upload seems quite large... Are you sure you want someone to upload something that big on your forums?

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IPB will tell you on the very first page of installation / upgrade if any setting/limit for php is lacking. Unfortunately, I don't know what they are off head and I'm too lazy to give anymore than 1 min to search for you (in which was futile). I suggest you find this documentation.

I do, however, strongly discourage copying someone else's php settings.

Btw, your 500MB of file size limit for upload seems quite large... Are you sure you want someone to upload something that big on your forums?

In the ACP it is only 30 mb. I have 500 there so I can upload 500 when I need to, not members.
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