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Move Twitter icon from here to there above text box


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Twitter icon has a whole row to itself above a text box when starting a topic or replying to one (A). It doesn't deserve this allocation of real estate. Suggest moving it to toolbar above (B). (Yes, it's "not like the others," but conserving real estate trumps consistency in this case.)

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No longer an issue with the new text editor...The Twitter icon can be seen on the second row after the quote icon.

Thanks, Matt. That is a much better place for the Twitter button.

The reason for that is because it's in the "Custom BBCode" row. All custom codes go there...

This is an example of something that's logical but not necessarily good usability.

Removing the twitter button from the custom BBCode screen is easy-peasy. The problem is it gets filled in again when you do a maintenance update. I hope that behavior stops with the new editor.

It's easy-peasy if you ask around in the technical forums. The solution is a temporary work-around to correct a basic usability blooper. Good to see Matt's addressed it!
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It's easy-peasy if you ask around in the technical forums. The solution is a temporary work-around to correct a basic usability blooper. Good to see Matt's addressed it!

Oh no, I completely agree with you! I only mentioned it is easy to prevent someone from coming around saying it isn't hard to get rid of, when my issue is that the stupid button keeps coming back even after you figure out how to remove it. So I hope that is also addressed because it is annoying having to remove it every upgrade and re-add my own bbcode.

I really dislike that useless twitter button.
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