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Notifications - Cookie or DB based please


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OK. This eclectic combination of cookie and DB marking is driving me nuts. Please guys. We should have a choice of it being one or the other. Not a combination of both regardless of what's selected in the ACP. Many of us use multiple computers (or dual boot multiple operating systems). When I select DB marking, everything should be run off the DB. Reading the forums, conversation notifications, etc. It's getting somewhat exasperating to do something on one system, and then log into another to find the same notification waiting for you.


Already done.

My beef is the system STILL uses cookies for some functions in keeping track of certain items on the board, even if you turn Cookie Topic Marking off. For example, I had to do some things last night using Windows, and did a quick check of the board before shutting down for the night. This morning, when I turned the notebook on, I booted into Linux as I normally do and found conversation notices that I had already read the previous night in Windows. This should be DB based when Cookie Topic Marking is turned off.

Yes, I know this adds a query or two to the DB. But the inconsistencies are maddening.

My users are complaining about this, too. A good chunk of them access the site from multiple systems (work PCs, home PCs and mobile devices) and they're frustrated that the system doesn't remember what they've done. And in this case, I have to agree with them, as I'm frustrated as well.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Topic marking and notifications aren't the same thing ;)

The original post mentioned also "Reading the forums, conversation notifications, etc.". I agree marking should be made database based for everything, if the admin selects that option.

Topic marking and notifications aren't the same thing ;)

No kidding.... The fact remains that the eclectic use of cookies AND DB marking is a royal pain.


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