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Download: iArcade System 1.0.0 Final

Andy Rixon

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It showing the login name isn't a bug. It's intentional. I'm not sure why it needs to do it that way though.

I've just submitted a replacement for the index.php edits to Collin, specifically a hook which will simply intercept board index requests and pass them on if they aren't scoring requests or handle them if they are.

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Hmmm.. I downloaded and installed including the NEW index.php file change. I tried the old change also, same issue.

I have installed two games, neither of which works. They are both v2 games and both installed without an error. Neither one shows a thumbnail in the game list and neither loads. I just sit there looking at a black box.

Any help?

You need to use the correct path. Go to you ACP > iArcare > settings ans fill in the correct path.
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When i instill the tar file i am getting this in adam at the top of the page

Warning: unpack() [function.unpack]: Type a: not enough input, need 100, have 0 in /home/weatherf/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/modules_admin/games/import.php on line 226


Warning: rename(/home/weatherf/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/sources/tars/.swf,/home/USER/public_html/FORUMPATH/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/games/all/.swf) [function.rename]: No such file or directory in /home/weatherf/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/modules_admin/games/import.php on line 253

Warning: rename(/home/weatherf/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/sources/tars/1.gif,/home/USER/public_html/FORUMPATH/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/games/all/img/.gif) [function.rename]: No such file or directory in /home/weatherf/public_html/forums/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/modules_admin/games/import.php on line 255

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It's the path to the folder where games will be stored. By default, it's the "games/all" folder underneath the iArcade source folder (admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade). Defeats the purpose of renaming your admin directory if you have, of course, as that's where it goes.

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Could a changelog be included in the archive, preferably plain text/ascii format?

Sure. Remind me at release time :P

It showing the login name isn't a bug. It's intentional. I'm not sure why it needs to do it that way though.

This bug explains the problem:

Showing the LOGIN NAME is wrong. What is intended to show is the SEO name. Two different names.

Summer Maria Rixon

and heres a wee picture of her :D


Awwww :wub:
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1) Thats beautiful Andy! Spend all the time you can with her and enjoy the kids!! :thumbsup:

2) I got my arcade working, I went to the database and got rid of all I could see in there regarding the arcade. I then did a fresh reinstall and its working and holding scores! :D

I have about 30 games loaded and working well, weird thing is that a few games were working before I did the reinstall will not allow me to upload. I even tried downloading a fresh file but it kicks it back. :ph34r:

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If you are using IE and right click on them then select properties you should see the full path where it expects to find them, if you get a red X for an image it pretty much always means the image isnt where it should be or is misnamed

You need to use the correct path. Go to you ACP > iArcare > settings ans fill in the correct path.

That's where I am losing it. I have checked the paths and and made sure everthing is in the right place yet nothing is showing up. Maybe I am just missig something small. I'll go check again.
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Not sure if this will help anyone or not, but I have been doing some testing with the arcade.

I installed the Arcade on two different servers, one with a standard cPanel web hosting interface, and the other with a web based interface.

Server 1 is hosted with JustHost and cPanel is available for your web host control, and the Arcade works fine, absolutely no problems (if you have the correct paths set)

Server 2 is hosted with Gate, which does not provide you a cPanel control panel, and the Arcade does NOT work. You can upload games, you can see the game in the list of available games, but there are NO image files displayed on either IE or FF. Game scores do not submit. The only difference I can see is how the path statements are set up in the paths

on server one the normal path /home/USER NAME/public_html/PATH_TO_FORUM is used

on server two the path looks something similiar to this /home/vg008web10/02/22/3032202/web

As I said, not sure this should matter, but it seems to as I cannot get the arcade working correctly on one server, but on the other it works with absolutely no problems

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Not sure if this will help anyone or not, but I have been doing some testing with the arcade.

I installed the Arcade on two different servers, one with a standard cPanel web hosting interface, and the other with a web based interface.

Server 1 is hosted with JustHost and cPanel is available for your web host control, and the Arcade works fine, absolutely no problems (if you have the correct paths set)

Server 2 is hosted with Gate, which does not provide you a cPanel control panel, and the Arcade does NOT work. You can upload games, you can see the game in the list of available games, but there are NO image files displayed on either IE or FF. Game scores do not submit. The only difference I can see is how the path statements are set up in the paths

on server one the normal path /home/USER NAME/public_html/PATH_TO_FORUM is used

on server two the path looks something similiar to this /home/vg008web10/02/22/3032202/web

As I said, not sure this should matter, but it seems to as I cannot get the arcade working correctly on one server, but on the other it works with absolutely no problems

I have gotten it to work on two users with non-standard setups, and I assume there are more out there.
It requires a bit of tweaking, but it can be done. :)
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Do you guys think we should open an official support forum? Or should we just keep everything here on IPS? :whistle:

I think if you put it on your own forum, then you can have an area for those who have registered their boards and provide update info and such to that member group. Plus you would have a little more control than what you have here. Might even be a good idea to provide update downloads from your own site

just my 2 cents
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I think if you put it on your own forum, then you can have an area for those who have registered their boards and provide update info and such to that member group. Plus you would have a little more control than what you have here. Might even be a good idea to provide update downloads from your own site

just my 2 cents

Starting with the final release, support will only be provided to registered boards. Right now, when people PM me their info and I take a look at the problem, I just tell them to please register. Starting with the final, I'm just going to delete the PM. I'll also stop replying to PMs and emails without a reg key.

Downloads will stay on IPS, exclusively. Part of the original agreement I had with Andy way back when.

I think that it might just be more "tidy" to have our own community. Then again, I still strongly encourage users to post individual issues to our tracker. So who knows. <_<
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I have gotten it to work on two users with non-standard setups, and I assume there are more out there.

It requires a bit of tweaking, but it can be done. [img]


I've got it running on Windows - it doesn't get more non-standard than that.

Take a look at the iArcade_settings.xml I sent you - it includes code to offer a suggestion for the paths in the ACP settings page (like how IPB itself does it).
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Starting with the final release, support will only be provided to registered boards. Right now, when people PM me their info and I take a look at the problem, I just tell them to please register. Starting with the final, I'm just going to delete the PM. I'll also stop replying to PMs and emails without a reg key.

Downloads will stay on IPS, exclusively. Part of the original agreement I had with Andy way back when.

I think that it might just be more "tidy" to have our own community. Then again, I still strongly encourage users to post individual issues to our tracker. So who knows. <_<

Good ideas Collin. While I detest encoding, I see nothing wrong with registering something I am using. I think on your own support forum would be more organized, however here on IPB does help the limiting it to registered "legal" IPB users.

Then again, if you have the time and can verify licensed IPB owners by finding them on here as some other sites have done, it will help if that is what you want.

Keep up the great work that you are doing for everyone. I'm just pleased to see that this was done for everyone's benefit. :D
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