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Can't get sphinx to work in multi-server enviornment.

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I have tried all of the troubleshooting ideas listed here: http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/official.html?record=215 with no success. When I tried this however:

update ibf_permission_index set authorized_users = NULL where authorized_users = ''

it came up with 0 rows affected. But I went ahead and reindex Sphinx and it still did not work.

We have a web server and a database server. I installed Sphinx on our DB server and it is confirmed up and running and indexed with all files created in the Sphinx folder.

IPB 3.0.2 is pointed at the DB server's IP address. The two servers are connected via a crossover cable.

When I try to search on our forum either as an admin I cannot come up with any search results. All I get is that nothing was found. I have tried numerous searches that work fine in traditional mode.

Anyone have any ideas?

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have you configged sphinx to accept requests from the other ip-addresses? It's defaulted to localhost only.

sphinx also has a log. look into that.

Thanks didn't know that. That was probably the cause. IPB techs installed it directly on to our web server (which I really didn't want to do at this point) and it's been working fine but I will revisit this once I get my other issue worked out with 3.0
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