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Tech support not responsive


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Help. That's what we need: HELP. I am three calls in to the support line here and our site is still showing the following error message:

IPS Driver Error
There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

We are not f*(king around here, we are a 15+ year old retailer with 2500 customers registered and holiday sales needed to make a living. The lady on the phone has been nice and friendly but I have received ZERO e-mails, ZERO support, and our board is DOWN. We did exactly nothing to lead to this situation.


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I tried to go with a ticket, but this message pops up when I click the button:

"We apologize for any display oddities in your client area while we transition fully to our new website. "

And no message is posted. They have a copy of my E-mail to them, with the issue, as an open ticket.

In all due respect, we are a business and pay for a turnkey hosted board here so we don't have to go back to school and become computer programmers.

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[quote name='CHMB1' date='29 November 2009 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1259518954' post='1883367']
And before I log out, Dean, thank you for your kind attention and replies -- forgive me exasperated tone, just those tiny issues of running a business to support a family.

After you submit a ticket you will be shown a list of items from the knopwledge base, which might help you. If they do not, you need to click submit again.

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Enkidu: Presumably they mean they've called phone support three times. If I'm not mistaken, hosted customers do have phone support for critical issues. They're probably just not logged into the forums with the same email/password as the client area.

CHMB; if you go into the client area and you don't see the email you sent them there as a ticket in the "Your Tickets" area, they don't have an open ticket in which case you'd need to resubmit it. Something that often catches people out (as stoo mentioned) is that after you click "Submit" on the ticket screen, you then have to scroll to the bottom and click submit again as it offers KB articles before it lets you submit your ticket.

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No offense, taken... Over the years I have hit the wall also, I am just now getting to the point I can solve my own problems :) slow learner. But this community is very supportive and helpful... I have made many friends and found support anytime I needed it :) We all must not sleep much LOL. We are all a little over protective of the software, We all make sure people getting on here have active customer Licenses, Please don't take offense to people asking about it :)


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I have fixed the problem for you and your site is now back online.

I'm a little confused as to what's gone on so far though - you say that you called in, but there is nobody in the office right now, so I don't see how that could be possible.
You seem to have been able to submit tickets in the past, so I'm not sure why you're unable to submit one now... I can log in as you and the client area functions correctly. You can submit a ticket under "Your Purchases" rather than "Your Tickets" if you have any joy that way.
I would encourage you to call into the offices tomorrow if you're still unable to submit tickets so that this problem doesn't occur again - it's free to call.

I would ask other customers to please remember to report these threads in future so a member of staff is alerted. Also, please refrain from posting things you're not sure about as to avoid further confusion (for example, hosting customers do have phone support).
Thanks :)

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