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Download: Portal System 2.3.3


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File Name: Portal System 2.3.3
File Submitter: bfarber
File Submitted: 19 Aug 2006
File Category: Components

The modification you have been waiting to upgrade to IPB 2.1 for....

Finally, after many months of waiting (and harrasment), I'm releasing the first version of my portal system that works with IPB 2.1.x. Check the demo link to see it in action (many features are members only).

The layout feature has been enhanced to use AJAX, and the installer has been updated to use XML files for the settings, templates and component data. I will enhance the installer slightly with the next release so that you can rebuild your data at any time without having to rerun the database queries. Installer supports a remover, and you should be able to 'upgrade' from the old version (noting that all shoutbox data, navigation entries, and custom blocks will be deleted when you do so).

To install - upload all files, and visit psinstall.php in your browser, click the first link. This should work fine even if you had my old version still somewhat installed in the database.

To upgrade - upload all files, and visit psintsall.php in your browser, click the second link.

That is all!

1) Fixed issue with online list showing 'Viewing Board Index'
2) Fixed calendar events and birthdays not being listed on the portal
3) Fixed bad link at end of uninstall routine
4) Fixed layout manager to not allow you to delete default blocks
5) Fixed bbcode not parsing in custom blocks when set to parse bbcode
6) The portal layout setting group is now not hidden - if problems arise, you can "revert" the layout settings

Click here to download this file

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