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Wheres my board?

Guest nsilva

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You probably won't get your IPB cash back. Your Loss!

Eh? Why wont I get my money back. I paid the invoice yet didn't get what I paid for, and I have solid proof. Which means I can ask them for my money back and if I don't get it I could just sue for it with the proof that I have.
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Eh? Why wont I get my money back. I paid the invoice yet didn't get what I paid for, and I have solid proof. Which means I can ask them for my money back and if I don't get it I could just sue for it with the proof that I have.

what proof? that your invoice was 11 months old and the renewal is only good for 6 months?
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Eh? Why wont I get my money back. I paid the invoice yet didn't get what I paid for, and I have solid proof. Which means I can ask them for my money back and if I don't get it I could just sue for it with the proof that I have.

How the hell can you sue?

Today is SUNDAY.

The hours for the Billing department state CLOSED. Not OPEN. CLOSED. Those are what are known as POLAR OPPOSITES.

Sunday is known as "the weekend". Also known as "a time of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation". This is what the weekend is. And it's why the Billing department is closed today (and yesterday as well).

The support time for a standard license is 48 hours. Not 30 minutes. You have to have patience with them. Especially on a WEEKEND.

How would you like it if you ran a company and if you didn't get back to a customer in 10 minutes they started harassing you for X amount of services? I don't think you would like it either. Same situation here.
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what proof? that your invoice was 11 months old and the renewal is only good for 6 months?

Incase you couldn't read, I renewed it last night...

blah blah

How would you like it if you ran a company and if you didn't get back to a customer in 10 minutes they started harassing you for X amount of services? I don't think you would like it either. Same situation here.

Been waiting over 15 hours not 10 minutes. I PAID for something. They should have a system to give me what I paid for, or allow me to CANCEL it before they decide to actually do something. I emailed them personally, so that they would read what I had to say, because they said thats what you do if you need to talk on the weekends. Well id didn't work.

This service is crap compared to 2 years ago.

Btw I said if they don't give me money so l2r be4 in thread. K? Bai.
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Goodness, everyone just calm down.

Nsilva, we can all understand that you'd be upset, and if you want to change to a different software, you have the right to do so. But it should be worth noting the competitor you pointed out also does not work weekends.

All invoices have to be screened - it's the same when you pay with your credit card anywhere, and I'm sure it will be done first thing tomorrow.
You would have had 1 year from the date you first paid for the license to have downloaded the software, so you have in fact had access to it, it hasn't been denied to you.

Have a good evening :)

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hes acting like hes worried hes gonna get caught being a software pirate/and or using a stolen credit card..

No, I value my money and I want what I paid for. Damn, now the community here is faeces too.

Touche InvisionPower. Touche.

Professor P, if they could just allow me to cancel paying them, as I do not want to anymore, or if they actually had a system that worked, I would no be as upset with this company.
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No, I value my money and I want what I paid for. Damn, now the community here is faeces too.

Touche InvisionPower. Touche.

Professor P, if they could just allow me to cancel paying them, as I do not want to anymore, or if they actually had a system that worked, I would no be as upset with this company.

You can possibly cancel the payment of the most recent $25 renewal. Call the office and leave them a message, or if you paid via PayPal simply cancel the payment.
You will not be able to cancel the initial $69.95 as you received what you paid for. It would be like buying a DVD, watching it, then taking it back to the store to ask for a refund.

You would have been able to try the demo, etc. before purchasing and IPS has given you everything you were promised. Before you purchased the license you would have been asked to read and accept an EULA which states 48 hour response times.

As has been said, why not switch off the computer, enjoy the rest of your evening and give IPS a call tomorrow?
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