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Wheres my board?

Guest nsilva

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Ok, so I ordered IPB a year or 2 ago. I stopped using it and I never paid for the renewal. I came back because I want to use IPB yet I see that I don't have the license, so I pay the renewal fee from 1/29/07. Now, why have I given you your $25, ontop of the $70 I had spent when I bought it... Yet you aren't giving me access to the download, and no one will respond to my open ticket.

Please, fix your support. Actually say when the business hours are on the forum. Give me my permissions back before taking my $25, and actually give me access to download the software. Or I will just make you pay me $95 for the fees you have charged me but haven't given the software, and then just go to vBulliten.

The reason I went with you guys so long ago is because I thought you were better than vBulliten. What happened?

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the 25$ renewal is for support and upgrades/downloads. the 25$ support/downloads lasts 6 months. that means if you renewed your upgrades/support in january. your downloads have expired.

you can continue to use the version to downloaded before it expired however. to keep the downloads you must renew it every 6 months at the current price of 25$ per 6 months.

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Its because of the switch over. IPB gave about a 6 month warning, if you didn't renew in that period, you have to pay for a whole new license. In other words, if you license was expired before or in August 06, and you didnt renew before December, you have to buy a new license.

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So you are saying that because I did not visit this site or my account I have been denied as a customer?

Well, looks like I should be getting the money back for the license AND the renewal, which they never made any announcement to me that it would not work. And the fact that they just shut down my account for no reason. Thanks for scamming me IPB. Looks like all my moneys on vBulliten now.

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They didn't deny you as a customer. Its their new business plan, and is better in the long run. They gave everyone plenty of warning, so technically, its your fault if you didn't read the messages.

Before IPB 2.2 came out, there were two licenses at $70 and $150, now they have been replaced, if you were on the 150 one, there were no changes, still the $30 renewal a year, however, if you were on the yearly one, if it wasn't already expired, your new yearly rate is $50 instead of $70, but if it had expired, you had 6 months to renew it at $70 or you have to pay $170.

They havent shut down your account either, the fact you can access invoices. Its Sunday as well, very little money issues get handled on a Sunday.

If you want to go with vBulletin fine, but your definitely wasting your money there :)

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They didn't deny you as a customer. Its their new business plan, and is better in the long run. They gave everyone plenty of warning, so technically, its your fault if you didn't read the messages.

Before IPB 2.2 came out, there were two licenses at $70 and $150, now they have been replaced, if you were on the 150 one, there were no changes, still the $30 renewal a year, however, if you were on the yearly one, if it wasn't already expired, your new yearly rate is $50 instead of $70, but if it had expired, you had 6 months to renew it at $70 or you have to pay $170.

They havent shut down your account either, the fact you can access invoices. Its Sunday as well, very little money issues get handled on a Sunday.

If you want to go with vBulletin fine, but your definitely wasting your money there :)

They did not give me warning. I have been doing many other things and there was nothing when I used the software that ever said I would have to always come back just to make sure I got to keep it. There was the option to pay $25 if I wanted so that I could start using the software again. Now I come back to use it, get no notice of what happened, pay the $25, yet they aren't going to do anything? Yeah. That definately calls for getting my money back.

Yes, I can access invoices...

Expired (1 invoices)
ID Title Date Amount
XX Renewal: IP.Board: Standard License

Payment Received 01/29/07 $25.00 Print

Paid (1 invoices)
ID Title Date Amount
XX Purchase: Invision Power Board Yearly License 01/29/06 $69.95 Print

Too bad I can not get what I paid for.

Very little money issues get handled today you say? Well, I hope thats not true. They aren't going to get away with my money for very long.

Seriously, can someone tell me what happened when I wasn't using this software? Did the people who make IPB just get like dropped on their heads? This software used to be good. Now its not, and I was planning to already be using the forum for something that I had promised. Now I cant do that and I am $95 less than where I should be.

* BTW I paid the renewal yesterday.
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I thought billing and sales didn't work weekends..

Well then, that sucks. Because I am still pretty mad that they charged me $25 but I still don't have the software after 13 hours.

And that I could not find this out from there actual website. I couldn't even find out when the freaking business hours were. Thats some bad business.
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So yea, I emailed them, but still haven't gotten a response. Anyone think I will?

Yes you will get a reply.

Your question is about billing right?

Read the contact us page...

Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

Saturday and [b]Sunday: Closed[/b]

It's not bad support. As it says they are actually closed, if someone who deals with accounts and billing comes online then they will deal with it, until then you will have to be patient.

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Yea, but it says if I really need to talk to them I can email them and someone will get to me. And, well... No one has yet but I emailed them.

I don't get it. If I was running a company this big I would actually put some effort on to being on the website a lot.

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When they take my money and don't give me what I paid for, I see to it that its a big deal. Maybe you will understand when you see what the value of money is.

I understand the value of money perfectly thank you :) it also states that they will check for fraud as well .. give them time.. have a little Patience if you were so eager why didn't you organize yourself and purchase it on a working day ...
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