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anonymous stats

Guest sallam

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Since there is now a nice option for us in ACP to choose whether to allow anonymous login, I think it would be better, once we opt for no anonymous login, that the anonymous stats also disappear from the board stats at bottom. It serves no purpose to show '0 anonymous members' all the time.

Many thanks.

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Nice Idea man, I don't see any point on anonymous Login. Unless your the Admin and you just want to check up on the Forum but make it look like your Not their. I think it would just be easier to make it Only Staff (Admin's) able to do it.

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Try considering boards where privacy is extremely important. My members need the anonymous login ability for something as simple as not having their exes (girl friends and spouses) know when they are home etc.

Sounds like a personal issue of a stalker really... especially being as they can just look a post times... ;)
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