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Moderator CP

Guest XGhozt

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No no, your taking it out of context. It makes them want to get on the site, stay longer, and do what needs to be done before the other.

But, thats not the point, this could probably be disabled, or set for one some groups.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have it.
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vBulletin has a inline moderation, with horrible checkboxes, they have no style of css or image at all, just plain checkboxes. But it also has a moderator CP for super moderators. I think this should happen aswell in IPB 3.

Also +1 on report center. (I hate receving PM's about it)

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Inline moderation is much more efficient than a separate moderator cp location to do the same action. It's fair to note that even vB will be taking the mod cp out by their next major version.

Then there are things that make sense in a "mod cp". For example: Reports, Notes to other moderators (which forum can take the place of), etc... But as far as actual moderation, it makes more sense to do it on the topics/posts themselves.

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I like the idea of Moderators having their own little Control Panel. In 1.x it were just a over view of the forums, that is naff -- I agreed with that going. But vB have a good Moderation CP... something like that would be amazing.

Could you enlighten us non vB users on what is in the vB Mod CP?
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I agree, IPB sucks in this matter. My mods always complain that they cant even edit avatars or sigs or even ban offending members.

vB has it since ages, but i m still waiting for it from IPB. There was a mod but it would only work with IPB 2.0 :rolleyes:

You can edit sigs - view profile, then from the dropdown options menu below the personal photo and rating choose edit member... there is a box there containg the users sigs...
You can remove users avatars - as above, there is a dropdown to remove an offending avatar.
You can ban using the warning system (as long as the admin sets it up right...).
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So you're saying it's the stupidest concept in history? Are you trying to convince us it's good or bad? Because going to a seperate panel to Merge, Move, Split, Delete, or Edit topics is borderline idiotic. (Jelsoft agrees, and is removing the Moderator Control Panel entirely)

The moderator panel is sooooo web 1.0, IPB is web 2.0 :D

yeah, i'm saying the mod panel is no longer needed since the inline things give us easier access to the moderator functions withouot having to jump all over the place.

There IS still a lot of improvement required, more access to peoples profiles, the profile page etc for moderators is required IMO. Of course, access to specific areas are at the admins discretion.
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So you're saying it's the stupidest concept in history? Are you trying to convince us it's good or bad? Because going to a seperate panel to Merge, Move, Split, Delete, or Edit topics is borderline idiotic. (Jelsoft agrees, and is removing the Moderator Control Panel entirely)

Dude chill, wats wrong in asking for more features. Its good that u r showing fan boyism of IPB. I love it too but it still isnt perfect and i think its IPS who wants our views and thats wats been giving here.

Anyways still i would say IPB desperately needs some cool features like enabling MODs to edit user's profiles (i know only super mods can do it right now), secondly a centralized mod center for all reported posts, without these the management on IPB sucks.

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Dude chill, wats wrong in asking for more features. Its good that u r showing fan boyism of IPB. I love it too but it still isnt perfect and i think its IPS who wants our views and thats wats been giving here.

Anyways still i would say IPB desperately needs some cool features like enabling MODs to edit user's profiles (i know only super mods can do it right now), secondly a centralized mod center for all reported posts, without these the management on IPB sucks.



I was calm. However, I do agree with your idea on the absolutely horrid "Reported Posts" handling IPB has. More PMs and Emails? I'll pass on that thanks. Can I just pipe them to /dev/null instead?

I think what you're looking for is something similar to Luke's "Report Centre" (though likely you would prefer one you don't have to fork over a credit card for)
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I'm somewhat torn because both ways have their pros and cons. I would like to see an option so this entire debate can be ended. An option in the Administrator Control Panel. Something allowing YOU to decide if you want Inline Moderator or a Moderator Control Panel.


Moderator Options:
Inline Moderator / Moderator Control Panel / HYBRID (Inline & ModCP)
<insert check boxes or drop down here>


There. No more debate. Everybody is happy. Everybody wins.

Also, the MCP could be tied into the AdminCP (see: this suggestion). If IPB fixes this problem. :)

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The MCP could do things Inline Moderation can't.

Like handling reports better, handling announcements, viewing a global list of queued posts and topics.

It wouldn't be a different way of moderating, just a place for some of the options which don't work well in inline moderation.

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Yes I did see it. But if we put Announcements and Reports into a Mod CP and inline moderation is used, then how can reports and announcements be accessed?

A Mod CP would be a expansion of the Moderator Tools we currently have at the bottom of my controls.

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So make an option in the AdminCP to have an Inline moderation or a ModCP or both.

I'm not totally against a ModCP but the way it is right now... inline... I love it. Have a ModCP to view queued topics, reported posts, logs, etc. Keep the inline so when reading a topic, say I see one post I want to move/delete, I can do it without access the ModCP.

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But if you disabled Mod CP how would you do the function which can only be done in the ModCP.

In my opinion if this was to be implemented how we say it should be, then the ModCP would compliment the Inline Moderation. The ModCP would handle stuff the inline moderation would not do well and vice versa. So disabling it would be pointless.

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