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Printed Documentation Manuals

Guest Brandon C

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Gee since when did getting proper documentation require this kind of begging.

Considering the amount of money I've spent on IPB I would expect FREE access to a downloadable PDF.

And while we're on the topic. A downloaded version of the latest SDK would be nice. Can't see IPB growing in a positive way without building a strong and WELL DOCUMENTED development kit.

Of course I have found that documentation is NOT IPB's strong suit. JMHO

You can get a free downloadable PDF documentation manual for IP.Board here (it's the first PDF file at the top on this page): http://community.ipslink.com/board/documentation.html

Also, you can download the IPB SDK from several different places (IPSB, IZE, etc.) free-of-charge. There is also developer's documentation for IP.Board on the page I linked you to above.

I think what would be nice is a complete manual for setting up Invision on a intranet. From installing php to MySQL to configuring settings, and disabling mail. I would pay up to $40 for that, in pdf format. :)


Gee since when did getting proper documentation require this kind of begging.

Considering the amount of money I've spent on IPB I would expect FREE access to a downloadable PDF.

And while we're on the topic. A downloaded version of the latest SDK would be nice. Can't see IPB growing in a positive way without building a strong and WELL DOCUMENTED development kit.

Of course I have found that documentation is NOT IPB's strong suit. JMHO

This topic is regarding printed documentation that could be purchased and mailed to you - an extra service for those that want it.

Ample web-based documentation has been available for a long time. Brandon linked to the documentation page where you can find general IPB documentation, a CSS guide and the first incarnation of the developer documentation. Via your client area, you can also access the knowledgebase which provides further 'how to' guides and answers to other common questions :)

I don't think we can be accused of having a lack of documentation for IPB... though of course, we're still planning on more (the developer docs particularly will grow with time).

Gee since when did getting proper documentation require this kind of begging.

Unless the last software title you bought was WordPerfect 5, you may have noticed that "proper" printed docs went out with the 90's. With a widescreen (or two monitors in DualView mode) it is much more efficient to put the PDF next to the app so that one can copy and paste, use the search functions, and benefit from hyperlinks.

IPB documentation is proper. It's PDF, and it's built into the current price strategy as such. There are still people who prefer paper docs, so for them to spend $25 or so to cover the extra costs seems perfectly reasonable.


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