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Community Suite?

Guest rbiss

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When the pricing changes were announced we were given a deadline to upgrade to the perpetual license (I believe it was called) or we could elect to wait then go for the community suite. What happened to that option?


We're currently figuring out the pages for the community suite on the new site. It is however available to buy, just email us and you can purchase it that way :)


IPS posted this:

IP.Community Suite

In addition to the IP.Board license options outline above, you will be able to purchase our entire suite of community products - IP.Board, IP.Gallery, IP.Blog - for a significant discount off purchasing them separately. The community suite will be available, under the Standard License, for $249.00 plus the regular $25.00 ever six months.


Perpetual Licenses are not available anymore.

Wrong. That's pretty much what IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, IP.Downloads, and IP.Board are licensed as - regardless of the name. The only difference is the Updates component. There are really only two possible forms of license. Leased, and Owned (to put it in Jelsoft terms, in IPS terms that's Leased and Perpetual (meaning going on forever, since that's what your license does)). Which is to say, he can feel free to call it a perpetual license if he wants. We know what he means. And more importantly, the sentence you used implies there was EVER a Perpetual (in IPS classic terms - meaning support optional, updates continual) option for Blog and Gallery. Which there wasn't.

I never stated there was Blog or Gallery perpetual license. I said that Perpetual licenses are not available anymore, not IP.Blog Perpetual Licenses are not available anymore.

Anyway, theres no point having a argument, just because we read something differently :)


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