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converter issue.

Guest Amy T

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This may be known but I am posting it just in case it it not.
Today I installed IPB 2.2 rc 3 on my ocpower.info site to be used as its forum to replace the smf one that is there now.
I downloaded both the forum software just in case any changed had been made and downloaded the converter today.
I then uploaded them both and installed ipb 2.2 rc 3.
After installing it I ran the converter, every thing except the members went fine.
On the members converter it was saying there was not legacy password table in the database so I looked and then made one and was able to convet the smf member over to the ipb database.
I am not sure if it was on purpose or a mistake to leave out the legacy password table.
If it is on purpose I assume then a new converter will be made.
I am posting this just in case it is not known.


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