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I would just like to give my farewell salute to all of the resource sites that have come before and supported IPS' users and customers. A lot of bridges have been burned.

We hardly knew you

Died in the line of duty

Those that came before

Hehehehehehehe, pwned. :wub: o:) :thumbsup: :lol:

I think the point being made--if the sarcasm is not lost on me--is;

It is going to be quite difficult for any resource site--regardless of their intentions or beliefs--to (really) compete with an "official" resource site.



Many of those sites you've listed are still very much active, including Invisionize. We have no plans to go anywhere.

yes and Invision Technical Services and Infinity Styles are going no where so with all due respect that list is not to nice <_< >_<

And NBSdesignz is stronger than ever, in fact the still have one of the best database around for invision board. You really need to get ya facts correct there :)


I very such see where Chris is coming from on this point and fully agree with him. But personally, I'm too pig-headed and stubborn to give in. Competition just makes me even more pig-headed. :)


The button in the client center always says 'Select a username first ...' it doesn't change, for me.

Try pressing tab after typing in, it will do its ajax work.

This site is value-added for customers who have purchased a license. If it was open to all, it would have no additional value to customers

I can access IPS Beyond

IPS Beyond

Click here to visit IPS Beyond, your username is Ky*Niem*Buon



I can't access Customer area in IPB Forums
Pleases reply me ! Okie ? I haven't time, I can't wait...
Thank !

stoopid idea, only customers can get mods >.>

why is it stupid?... i think its good. why should someone without a license be able to get mods from there? no sense i don't think. if you don't have a IPS license then you don't deserve mods what i think. but thats my opinion

I dont see any purchasable modification or skin sites going anywhere, it seems to be a place where you can download free modifications.

Tis true we may see the closing of some smaller resource sites, but the larger ones will continue to hold on.


Great idea and one major bonus to customers :) though IMO it would be useful to at least allow viewing (and maybe no posting rights) of available mods for particular products as Mods are a major selling point for products IMO and may be what is needed to tip me in favour of purchasing. It also Shows the amount of support a product is receiving.

Chuck :)


OK the sign up DOES NOT work in Firefox, Ive all suggestions and none work and before anyone suggests I load Internet Bugplorer up I would soon chew cow plop.

If you do not let me in this instance I will cry a lot and seriously do you want to be the one who made a fat bloke cry ?

Do Ya ?

Do Ya ?

Please fix it ....


I know I just had to see so I used a spare laptop to register with, but seriously your rgistration dooddah does not work with FireFox and I think that needs fixing tbh.

On another note, kewl idea... BUT I think the downloads section is as confusing as hell.



OK the sign up DOES NOT work in Firefox, Ive all suggestions and none work and before anyone suggests I load Internet Bugplorer up I would soon chew cow plop.

If you do not let me in this instance I will cry a lot and seriously do you want to be the one who made a fat bloke cry ?

Do Ya ?

Do Ya ?

Please fix it ....


I know I just had to see so I used a spare laptop to register with, but seriously your rgistration dooddah does not work with FireFox and I think that needs fixing tbh.

On another note, kewl idea... BUT I think the downloads section is as confusing as hell.


Firefox worked fine for me..... try again in the Custom Center. remember your password for that forum will be the same as your customer client paswword.

I truely find Invision is a product and service I will continue to support. I will also place tutorials on my site far into the future for IPB.

As for IPB Helpers and others, they all offer unique services unmatched by smaller sites. I belong to several on that list and have to say they all tie in at #1 in my book.


Nightfox PC Asst


I dont think this is a good idea really. IPS should be more focused on their products rather than making and running another website. :unsure:


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