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Resource site list

Guest PhantomRogue541

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I remember I posted here once about suggesting there be a list off IPS resource sites. Someone then told me there was a list of IPS resource site on www.invisionzone.com

Now that brings me to this. I had www.invisionize.com on my favorites list. I try to go to it today to look for skins and I get a PAGE NOT FOUND error. Plus I look on www.invisionzone.com and I can't find the resource list anywhere. WHAT's GOING ON?

I'm sorry if this isn't the right forum for this. I'm not sure.

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The resource site list can be found here:


Invisionize is currently experiencing server problems I assume. Downtime has been quite often for them, problem should be sorted soon we hope :)

There is another great Resource site however, that you can visit here:


Thanks man. I need to find the post on invisionize that lets you download toplist 1.8 because I downloaded it and follwed the instructions. Now things are screwy and I need to find out who created the mod to get some help.
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