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Hide mod

Guest DerekC

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I think making the now hide mod into a default feature for IPB would make a lot of people including me very happy. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the mod were you must first reply to see the message, or be in a certain group to see message.

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I think making the now hide mod into a default feature for IPB would make a lot of people including me very happy. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the mod were [b]you must first reply to see the message[/b], or be in a certain group to see message.

How can you reply to something if you don't know what it said in the first place? :ph34r:
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lol... with the first conept in mind.. i can see it now, thousands of posts with "???". I personaly find the hide hack useless. It's asking for spam. What the point of a big post count if it's all just replies to leech? Is there some Forum Board competition I didnt get invited too? You want a community of friends. In a good community.. you would get "deserved" thank you's anyway. In my opinion, boards where made for discussions. Attachments was an added perk. If you wanted a leech site.. why not just get a free blog. Theres tons of them around. Just my 2 cents. Dont mean to piss in anyones cheerios.

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