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Some ideas

Guest Dlf

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1. REGISTER->IP->WEEKDAY - This would limit how many times a IP could register per hour (like between 4->6 PM only 10 accounts could be made). Also could be per week day.


1. After posting... Option picked by each member. Go to forum or go to topic.
2. Copy Topic. Moderator tool.
3. More PM notifcations - This would send the admin (if they choose it) to get more PM'S then e-mails. (They couild even be put in a speical folder so the admin doesn't 'skip' over them and delete/not notice them 'accidently')
4. Visible warning level but the reason is not visible.
5. Birthday Icon. The calendar displays an icon if there are birthdays for that day. This leaves extra space for actual events.
6. Enhanced IP Ban. The current IP ban often blocks good visitors to your board. This new ban will allow you to delete or disable the offending users account and then ban his IP as strictly as needed. Any new registrations that match that IP ban will have to be approved first, thus blocking out the bad user will letting other good people that share the same IP range to still visit
7. Colored 'who posted'. Usernames have group colors applied.
8. Edit queued post. Edit a post before approving it (often a user makes a good post but then adds a complaint about being on mod queue or requesting to be removed from it).
9. Log login failures for password protected forums
10. New Group Promotion Option You can choose to promote a user once they have been registered for x days (instead of basing promtoions off posts which leads to spamming).

May or may not be 'counted' as a feature, but anway:

"UCP COPY" Couldn't think of a better name, but by this I mean the board automatically when someone types a post the forum would copy/paste it some place. So in the case of me (see below) instead of having to type some of this crap (sorry) again I could have just found the 'oringal' copy and reposted it. Could also be forum/forum. So say I post someone thing in News and Updates Discussion, Suggestions and Ideas, Customer Hints and Tips, Customer to Customer Assistance. the forum would keep them seperate so you could tell which forum you 'oringally' (wanted to) post them in.

Sorry for lack of description on last. my parents are 'yelling' at me to go to bed. BAH. It's 1:15 AM here. OH WELL! They can be annoying sometimes.

Had more IP ideas, but I dont' want to risk double clicking and having this stuff removed (I had to retype/find some of this stuff over like 4 dang times [no joke either])

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1. REGISTER->IP->WEEKDAY - This would limit how many times a IP could register per hour (like between 4->6 PM only 10 accounts could be made). Also could be per week day. [color="#ff0000"]I like that idea, prevent new account spamming.[/color]

1. After posting... Option picked by each member. Go to forum or go to topic. [color="#ff0000"]Hmm, doesnt seem like something I would use, I like to go and see where my post showed up.[/color]

2. Copy Topic. Moderator tool. [color="#ff0000"]Interesting concept, but wouldnt members wonder why their post count goes up suddenly?[/color]

3. More PM notifcations - This would send the admin (if they choose it) to get more PM'S then e-mails. (They couild even be put in a speical folder so the admin doesn't 'skip' over them and delete/not notice them 'accidently') [color="#ff0000"]Like "Priority" PM's?[/color]

4. Visible warning level but the reason is not visible.[color="#ff0000"] +1[/color]

5. Birthday Icon. The calendar displays an icon if there are birthdays for that day. This leaves extra space for actual events. [color="#ff0000"]I see, and it could be AJAX, so when you click it it pops out with the birthdays and makes the other events disappear on the viewing.[/color]

6. Enhanced IP Ban. The current IP ban often blocks good visitors to your board. This new ban will allow you to delete or disable the offending users account and then ban his IP as strictly as needed. Any new registrations that match that IP ban will have to be approved first, thus blocking out the bad user will letting other good people that share the same IP range to still visit [color="#ff0000"]Hmm, seems like overkill.[/color]

7. Colored 'who posted'. Usernames have group colors applied. [color="#ff0000"]Might add too much color to a plain skin.[/color]

8. Edit queued post. Edit a post before approving it (often a user makes a good post but then adds a complaint about being on mod queue or requesting to be removed from it). [color="#ff0000"]Yes, and allow them to see it too.[/color]

9. Log login failures for password protected forums[color="#ff0000"] +1[/color]

10. New Group Promotion Option You can choose to promote a user once they have been registered for x days (instead of basing promtoions off posts which leads to spamming).[color="#ff0000"] Yes, we need Time, Post, and Post-Words (suggested elsewhere), as promotion options.[/color]

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"UCP COPY" Couldn't think of a better name, but by this I mean the board automatically when someone types a post the forum would copy/paste it some place. So in the case of me (see below) instead of having to type some of this crap (sorry) again I could have just found the 'oringal' copy and reposted it. Could also be forum/forum. So say I post someone thing in News and Updates Discussion, Suggestions and Ideas, Customer Hints and Tips, Customer to Customer Assistance. the forum would keep them seperate so you could tell which forum you 'oringally' (wanted to) post them in.

spammer heaven!
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spammer heaven!

meaning what? Some people have accidents done to their computer/moniter/user profile of browser. It happens. Would you want to type like a 8 paragraph post but then something happens to the computer and it reboots. You wouldn't want to type all of that again; would you? What I am suggesting is somsething so the forum saves your posts incase something like that above happens.
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