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Posts posted by sunrisecc

  1. Error code: 1S267/1 Your browser does not accept cookies which is required in order to log in. I receive this error message when trying to log in to my board (harnessdriver.com) from either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. There is no problem with Firefox. I am on an older version of Invision board.

  2. I'm still not entirely sure why there is a need for a banned members group as well as this new banned member status. It's all very confusing.

    I use the banned members group when I want all other members to see that the member is banned. I use the new method when I do not want any member to notice that the member is banned.
    It works very effectively.

    • When you suspend a member (in the Warn Page) - The member automatically will be moved to Banned Group and his title will be changed to Banned. When he's back from the ban, he will automatically be back to the Members Group and his title will be changed.

    I do not want to change what we have now. If I wanted to change the visibility to Banned, then I use the old method of banning (separate group). The new and alternate method is not visible and I do not want it changed. It was introduced in 3.x and should remain the same. Suspending a member also should not be visible to others as it always has been that way and must remain so.
  3. Your assertions that there are infringements on the copyrights etc are only allegations (at the moment). It is a stretch to try and get Invision involved at this point.

    I am baffled that you would look at the TOS even before any liability has been found.

    I wish you good luck.

  4. Assuming the game is legally purchased, discussion of such a game is permissible and does not involve Invision. You have not stated that it is a pirate site. Hence the piracy reporting page is of no value.

    I believe you are trying to involve Invision in a legal dispute which does not involve them directly and you are looking for any means to get back at the site.

    I can only offer an opinion based on the vague comments outlined so far.

  5. There is a site that has ripped off a game which they are placing online shortly for sale and using IPB as a means to promote the game and talk about it. So I just want to see if there is anything in that regards.


    Is this not a conflict between the owner/author of the game and the site? If true, one would need to consult a lawyer directly. I doubt Invision would expend manpower without direct knowledge of proof.

    I may be mis-reading exactly what you are looking for.
  6. Either starting a new ticket or an Invision update to a ticket has not produced any email notifications in the last two days.

    A new ticket today which I created successfully and a reply to a previous ticket by Invision yesterday produced no email notifications.

  7. A couple of incarnations back, this board had such a field. Not everyone used it. However I agree with you. I always assume the latest unless specified to the contrary.

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