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La Jobe

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by La Jobe

  1. Hi everyone,

    I've come to ask for your help because I've just taken over the management of our forum, and I'd like to migrate the forum from version 3.1.4 (yes I know it's been a while since there's been a major release) to a more recent version, but running on a version of php 7 not php 8. Looking around, I think I need to stop my migration to a version of ipb lower than 4.7 (if I'm not mistaken, this corresponds to the version using php 8).
    Is there a way to find a file with migration only up to this version? I only have the latest version of ipb from my client area.

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I am trying to connect my website to my forum, therefore I want to use the logins of my forum on my website.

    When my user logs in, he enters his forum credentials, and I go through an oAuth system to check if those credentials are good.

    I manage to retrieve a custom access token, but when I request GET with the bearer authorization, where I enter the retrieved access_token, the system returns :
        "errorCode": "2S291/3",
        "errorMessage": "NO_PERMISSION"

    Does anyone know why the system is denying me access?

    Thanks in advance.


    Sorry, I made a mistake, the error code is 2S291\/7 and not 2S291/3


  3. Hello everyone, I am developing a small forum and I need to generate API keys to access the information of my forum on my website (retrieve members,...). However, when I generate my keys from the admin interface, it gives me the following message:
    "The API endpoint is not giving the expected response. Check you followed the instructions correctly."
    I followed the tutorial as indicated, I renamed my .htaccess file and put it in the right folder /api .
    Is there anything else to do?

    Thank you very much for your answer.


  4. 33 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

    @La Jobe if you still have access to ACP, I prefer to disable all plugin and application by third-party and try again. If the issue occur again, then you should submit a ticket to IPS staff. 

    I disable all third party plugins and the problem is still there. I have already contacted the IPS staff for more information.

    28 minutes ago, Adlago said:

    Open PHPMy Admin - find in your database table "members_status_updates"

    Find these two columns with this name - status_author_id, and delete one column

    Continue with the upgrade

    Looking through all my databases, I could not find any "members_status_updates" table. Is this normal ?

  5. I have just used the Valtasar's script that run slow (+6h to complete) but smooth. Thanks, for this great Job !

    To fix the "mysql has gone away" error message (that happened opening my 260.000+ posts on ibf_posts table), i modified the php.ini with "mysql.connect_timeout = 600"

    After a successful conversion (+ modify the class_db_mysql… 2 files) i now have 2 problems :

    1/ The display looks like this : <{F_NAV}> <{F_NAV_SEP}>Forum Category<{F_NAV_SEP}>Forum name

    2/ I can't log in in the PCAdmin because of a "Email address or password incorrect" error. Of course i know my log/pass by heart (and it's in automatic completion)

    How can i rebuild caches without login in the PCA ?
    How can i fix the login problem ?

    Thanks for your help

    [Edit] : i'm using IPB 2.3.6, not Converge and all this running on a local copy (with a hosts file targeting the real domain name on

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