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Everything posted by Turn_The_Page

  1. I assumed 3.0.1 was the focus. thanks for the response.
  2. Any updates on this? :) A few blogs followed the announcement and we haven't heard anything since.
  3. Is there any way to do this in 3.0, out of curiosity?
  4. #1 I don't know PHP but am aware there are a lot of tutorials. #2 I could've sworn I saw something that was like an RSS feed to bring onto a page.
  5. I did some searching and nothing yielded any good results. What is the status of integrating posts to just a plain HTML website? I'd like to do something of a news feed that gives my latest topics. I did a search on this and saw something about SSI, and I vaguely remember something about XML. But the search didn't yield anything good, and I know this question has been asked before. If anybody's got any good links that describe this thought already, that's good enough for me. Thanks.
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