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Posts posted by beeman

  1. The best way to allow more data to bee gathered would bee an addition to the hooks system so as well as action overloader, skin overloader and template hook you have query overloader, where you can either add to an existing query (add a select option, where or join) or compleatly overload it as the querys are already ran via a seperate class before being submitted to the database it shoulnt bee too hard to add the option.

    However you would need access to all variables already loaded in the query.

  2. Proper standards for "today's web" state that you shouldn't dictate to a user how the link opens. The user can already control this themself by ctrl+clicking, right click -> open in new window, middle clicking, and a number of other options. In fact, in XHTML Strict doctype (which we use) there is no "target" attribute for the anchor tag anymore, so the specifications don't even *allow* you to control this.

    As a webuser these "today standards" REALLY annoy me Its been usual(on most sites) for the past 5-10 years or so for internal links to open in existing page and external links to open a new page/tab. I personally enjoy clicking on a random link having it open in a new tab reading then clicking the origional tab (no searching through by back history to return to the origional page). i know i can right click etc but thats an extra steep and after getting soooo used to "yesterdays standards" i just cant get used to having to right click :P
  3. It is the feild names where thats causing your problem, when running the query mysql then thinks thats a WHERE statement as appose to a feild name. With a feild name like that when you created the backup you should have made sure you Enclosed the field names with backquotes. If creating your backup in phpmyadmin there is a checkbox for this option.

    To fix you will have to manually edit your .sql file

    youll need to change the following line

    where varchar(255) NOT NULL


    `where` varchar(255) NOT NULL

  4. I also get the "blink" when ever clicking a link on this forum, though i do get sent to the right place.

    (by "blink" i mean after clicking a link the screen gose black then loads up as normal). It only seems to happen on THIS forum, its not happened on any of my test installs.

  5. you have 3 options,

    1) you could either just leave all the existing in the "basic" group, on there next post (assuming there aready over the limit you set) they will get auto promoted to the new group.

    2) Put all your current members into the "advance" group, so the new rule applys only to new members.

    3) Leave ALL members in the basic group then run the following simple query

    UPDATE ibf_members SET mgroup = new_group_id WHERE mgroup = OLD_GROUP_ID AND posts > x

    obviously replacing new_group_id, OLD_GROUP_ID and x with what the veriables should bee :)

  6. The quick reply loads all the editor JS once you click into it to speed up the general page loading a little bit. Statistically speaking, many more people read than reply. So by not loading/setting up the editor JS until it's needed, the page is done rendering quicker. :)

    i FULLY understand WHY it dose what it dose i just cant stand what it actually dose. for me fast reply should bee nothing more then a simple text area and a sumbit button much like what it was on 1.x and 2.x. 3.0 fast reply trys to bee a FULL editor (even in STD mode) which is not what it was origionally ment to bee. I could see we were heading down this slippery slope when 2.1 came out with all the buttons ruther then just the texarea as it was previously.

    (i think this is going a little offtopic now heh, alough i hate it when members on my sites try to bee mods i think a topic split may bee in order :P )

  7. Why exactly? It's not significantly different from 2.x really.

    Its the whole having to click on it, wait for it to load then have the screen jump once its reloaded (im guessing with RTE disabled its the same as 2.x but i like RTE for the "advanced window" and "standard" for quick (IMO quick replying should always bee tab+post+reply no loading jumping etc). If theres an option for RTE for advanced and standard for quick then i would bee happy but havent found the option :(

  8. You have to have an active support contract (i.e be a member of the +Active Customers group) to have access to the Beta.

    I am unaware of any exceptions to this rule,

    If you have access to the board softwere you have access to the beta's. no "support" contract needed. i have access to the betas in my client center (pepetual licence holder) ;)
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