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Myke Pro

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Everything posted by Myke Pro

  1. Sorry, I didn't realize 😁. Last question, if at the end of the year I decided not to renew and then wanted to renew after 2 or 3 years, could I do it just by paying the $199? Or would there be some kind of sanction?
  2. I think I explained myself wrong, I was referring to how much time do I have available to receive updates after purchasing the classic license? 1 yeard 2 years?
  3. Thank you very much for the information.
  4. Thank you very much, you have clarified all my doubts, when do you plan to release version 5?
  5. Hello, I have been using the 30 day trial and I find it excellent, I have been using other platforms for the last few years and I find this one very clean and intuitive. I have a few questions that will determine whether or not I purchase a classic license. I have written directly to the sales email but have not received a response. Somebody could help me? My doubts are the following: 1. What exactly do I get with the Classic version? It indicates it on the pricing page but it seems like very little information to me. Do you have detailed specifications indicating limitations? 2. I understand that we are currently running version 4. If I purchase the classic license right now, will I be able to upgrade to version 5 for free or will I have to renew again? 3. Do you plan to launch Courses in the Classic version? For new forums on a budget, it is almost impossible to purchase a $149 per month plan and be able to use the updated courses. 4. If I buy the classic version, do I have to renew my license to update the software whenever I want or do I have any limits? 5. Are Clubs included in the classic license?
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