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NuLife RP

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Posts posted by NuLife RP

  1. Hello,

    I have set a category up that when people post, only staff can view this. However, there is a template I wish for people to use when posting and I have created a post, locked, pinned and featured it but people are still unable to see it due to the setting of not showing other users posts.

    Is there anyway I am able to show my post specifically so that they can view the template I want them to use when creating a new post?

  2. Good morning! Sorry on the title wording, I really couldn't think of a way to word it.

    I'm wondering if it is possible for when a person creates a post that it automatically has [UNRESOLVED] next to the title and once a staff member completes the request, the staff member can change it to [RESOLVED] or if they are working on it [IN PROGRESS]

    Hopefully this makes sense!

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