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Everything posted by TobiasEU

  1. Is it possible that blogs written by specific ranks have to be approved before they are published for everyone?
  2. Hello, thank you in advance to anyone who helps me with my questions. 1. Does anyone know why the second navigation bar is permanently displayed even though there are no subcategories? 2. I am also interested in how I can create my own fillable category fields for certain forums. 3. I would also like to know how I can integrate statistics below a forum.
  3. I want to confirm the ownership of my website for Google AdSense to be able to place ads. To confirm ownership, I must use at least one of the three possible methods. These methods are: AdSense code snippet, Ads.txt snippet, or the meta tag. I need help in applying one of these methods to successfully verify my website.
  4. Hey @Randy CalvertI am trying to verify the ownership of the website. There are three methods for this: AdSense code snippet, Ads.txt snippet, and meta tag. I would like to know how to confirm ownership using the AdSense code snippet method.
  5. Hello, I wanted to ask how I can insert the AdSense code from an AdSense code snippet on my website. Thank you in advance.
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