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John Brezovec

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by John Brezovec

  1. Thanks for your quick reply -- so it sounds like all that existing content will be marked as not having a best answer. So unless we would manually go in and mark best answers for all existing content, all questions will look like they aren't answered, right?
  2. I have an existing forum that serves us as a Q&A forum but is currently type 'Discussions'. I'd like to be able to change it over to type 'Questions' to get question/answer voting, but am concerned about the implications of changing the type. There are currently ~500 topics in the forum, what would happen to the existing content?
  3. Thanks Randy -- so to confirm, restricting access to a forum is all I need to do to prevent that part of the site from being crawled (and at some point in time Google should hopefully pick up on that and stop showing those links). Correct?
  4. We recently removed all permissions from a parent forum (with several children forums) as a method of deprecation, without actually deleting the content. I'm noticing the content is still crawled by Google and shows up in searches (shows a 'You do not have permission to view this topic' message on the page). Is this something that will just take time for Google to know not to index, or do I have to delete the content / do something on the Invision side to prevent google from indexing it? Thanks!
  5. This has happened with multiple users and has only started happening post-migration. Can I provide an example user ID privately / on a ticket?
  6. Been experiencing this with several users, unsure how widespread it is. When I use 'Sign in as user' I see the error as well. We recently migrated to SaaS hosted, my best guess is that the affected users didn't validate their accounts prior to the migration. Can you create a ticket for me to help fix this and find all the affected users? Thanks!
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