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Kalum Cavazos

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Posts posted by Kalum Cavazos

  1. i have been trying to create a subdomain, but keep getting tossed around to different places. i am told i need to speak with someone here where my hosting is. is that an option and if so, how do i do so?

  2. hello, so I am having issues setting this service up. I have created a database and put a couple records in there,but i am missing something. I have created a couple of records in the database but it is still not showing. 


    I know it is something simple i am missing

    Thank you. yes i have that service and i am having issues. i know it is a user error, but not sure where

  3. I am wanting to have my side bar on one page have a menu style to it. meaning I want the topics to show and when clicked it does not take you to another page, but just refreshes the content to the right of it.

    for example, I want to have the left side bar to have things like this:

    • Mission and Values
    • Policies
    • Trainings

    Then if you click on one of the above, it will show the content to the right. and not take you to a new page

  4. 2 hours ago, PPlanet said:

    Well, generally the sidebar only shows if you have any blocks or widgets there. I don't know if you use IPS default theme, but in that case you can edit the blocks on the page. To the left of the page there's a little rectangle with an arrow inside pointing sideways. Click on it and the page switches to edit mode, and you can delete the blocks on the sidebar.

    Not sure if that's what you are asking though.

    To a degree. I have seen where I can drag things into the open sections. looking at the screen shot below, there is a section to the left of the picture. I can put things in there but cannot delete the section. 

    Could contain: File, Outdoors

  5. I recently just purchased the beginner site to see if the product is what we wanted. I purchased a license key for perscom. I have read the instructions and when I go to the marketplace I am not getting an install option. Just download and the the download link does not work. Any assistance on what I may be doing wrong?

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