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Posts posted by drodrodro

  1. On 5/17/2023 at 11:59 AM, Jim M said:

    I'm afraid, only Apache is supported. If you want to use NGINX, you would need to work with your server administrator to translate the .htaccess rules to NGINX. There may be someone here who has already done so but please keep in mind, if any issues arise from your server configuration, they would be on yourself to resolve.

    Hi, I've tried finding a solution to this problem and it seems this is the blanket response you guys throw on every post.  You say Nginx isn't supported, yet when purchasing your expensive software, it clearly states Nginx is supported, and that your app works on all modern web servers. Nowhere on that page does it even recommend you use apache, which personally, I don't use, because I have other apps running.

    The issue isn't that the API isn't working. The issue is that the check in the api CP does not work which makes creating api keys impossible.

    I can hit the api no problem with my rules. the response I get hitting core/hello is
        "errorCode": "2S290\/6",
        "errorMessage": "NO_API_KEY"
    Obviously this means the API is working... why doesn't the Admin CP realize that? (it keeps showing the page up top) what kind of check is it performing? I don't see any requests to the api in the access logs except when I hit it.


    For reference here is my Nginx server block which was converted from htaccess


    location /api/ {
      if (!-e $request_filename){
        rewrite ^/api/(.*)$ /api/index.php;

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