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David Campos

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Everything posted by David Campos

  1. Access details in client area have been updated.
  2. Thanks Jim, Sent a message with the information requested.
  3. Hi! I have try to enable the login into Invision Community using a Wordpress Account feature. I have followed all steps mentioned in this guide (Wordpress as the Server). When trying to the login with Wordpress, after authorizing the permissions, the user is redirected to an error page: I am using Mini Orange default scopes and settings. System log shows: REPLACE INTO `core_login_links` ( `token_login_method`, `token_member`, `token_identifier`, `token_linked`, `token_access_token`, `token_expires`, `token_refresh_token`, `token_scope` ) VALUES ( 9, 622, NULL, 1, '4ad948d2ba4f01823077f0bf20239809', 1664223438, '6fdbfcd51a0fe28ad9761dda58cde97e', '["profile"]' ) IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'token_identifier' cannot be null (1048) Is there anything else I may be missing? Thanks.
  4. Hi! I am trying to set daily or weekly newsletter with content updates or summary from the topics posted into the community forum. While searching through the community I think this feature is not included natively. Any suggestions or recommendation of a marketplace app? Thanks!
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