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Everything posted by Gouzi

  1. Now my forum member theme is different with the visitor theme. How I change the visitor theme same with the member theme? In AP theme I didnt see any option can change the visitor theme
  2. even I add the poll permission to admin also cannot see the poll option
  3. I open the poll permission to admin and others user group still cannot use polls. I cannot see any poll function can click
  4. how to use the poll feature inside the post reply or create a poll post ?
  5. even using default theme still cant create the poll post, is it a bug or what ?
  6. Now I'm using the original skin theme not the third party theme
  7. I've enabled the poll feature and also give the permission to all user group, but why when I choose create post inside no poll option for me ? How can I post the poll post
  8. sorry the title was wrong this should be user cannot to register not regarding login
  9. Why my user cannot to be register during registration showing this error not permitted to register
  10. yes, previous I do follow the structure and make new zip file
  11. I'm follow your advise to do, but still same
  12. I'm follow this way to download still error
  13. I download the plugin zip from cke site. after download the zip cannot direct add button inside the editor?
  14. I tried to uploaded these plugin but all failed, my plugin version are above 4.19.1, but still error ckeditor_4.20.0_standard.zip ckeditor_4.20.0_9b079ae727b0.zip
  15. I see, ok then I wait for the request done from you guys end
  16. I've submit latest domain name change request due to last time the change is not correct. But until now the change request still not yet complete, how long I still need to wait for the domain name change complete
  17. I've upgrade plan to creator pro but still cant see the page management and custom block section, not sure is what going on.
  18. is it the 'Beginner' plan cannot show the social profiles link icon under the footer? I'v setup the link and site inside the admin panel - general configuration - social profiles, but nothings changes. Footer or header still dont have any social profiles I set appear, I go to the Theme setting all the related setting has been turn on. What happen for this ?
  19. today I open up my admin panel, found the page manage section and custom block is disappear, I cant find at all not sure what happen anyone can help ?
  20. saw this count down timer in others topic, and I got the code but how to insert this js to the topic to display the timer. <iframe src="https://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i8iklijj/n122/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs0/ca0/co0/cr0/ss0/cacfff/cpc000/pc009/tc66c/fs100/szw320/szh135/iso2022-12-25T00:00:00" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="116" height="31"></iframe>
  21. Do the plan came with free domain ? Or I need to buy the domain myself to use ?
  22. I've 2 site in invision, one is just pruchase with the plan called ite "A", the other one is trial version called it "B" and it expired. Can I trasnfer B site to A ? Because if cant need to rebuild whole site
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