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Posts posted by MAHMUT ORHAN

  1. Hello, on admin panel and forum I am trying to search how to edit the default error messages on invison community, I think I am searching wrong querrys, can you help me where I can edit the language of the themes default errors, 

    where is this function located at admin panel. what it is named so I can find it.

    Could contain: Text

    wanted to change this default text and edit it.

  2. Hi,

    I almost set up my website with invision community, but I didn't check this one because it was removing the signup buttons and etc if I disable this functions. 
    Could contain: Text, Word, Page


    After I talk about this with my host provider, they sent me this php version .ini files and I added this disable_functions to top, to make sure. But this functions made my invision community to lose register login areas and few other things like rich texts etc.

    my invision community site is on public.html > /forum/ folder the main publichtml is wordpress based I installed invision on the forum folder.

    So fix this issue; should I do this job on /forum/ folder or public html folder the main folder.

    And what is the correct way to do it.

    Should I just remove the other functions and just type the disable_functions = ?

    Please thanks for any help.

    disable_functions = "show_source, system, shell_exec, exec"
    disable_functions ="exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,pcntl_exec"


  3. 6 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You would need to contact your hosting company on the display errors issue. This is not something we are able to assist with. If you have just switched them off, then you can dismiss that message and it shouldnt return.

    For the theme issue, you need to speak to the developer of that theme. If however you are seeing the same on a default unaltered theme, please let us know

    Seeing same on he default theme please help today I need to finish it, the sign ups sign ins doenst work they are not on site they dont exists

  4. <ul id="elUserNav" class="ipsList_inline cSignedOut ipsResponsive_showDesktop">

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    Please tell me how can I add this layers to this place from custom css or theme area so this thing wont go away

  5. I did nothing wrong just edited the Footer from Theme settings than this thing gone again, without any reason to be gone or removed, I dont get this, I happend before I removed everything reinstalled I removed database too, because I only reinstalled invision back it didnt work, I removed database reinstall I thought it fixed, Now when I try just simply edit the Footer on theme area, this thing gone again.

    Could contain: Text

    Could contain: Text, Electronics, Word

    Could contain: File, Text, Mobile Phone, Electronics, Phone, Cell Phone, Webpage

    It doesnt fix when you change theme or go to sample theme or default theme or any other theme, it just gone. Please tell me where is this thing located at I will staple it there,,


    Please tell me where this functions this things located at where to put what to put how to bring it back. This thing is annoying.

    Could contain: Text, Plot, Face

    Why this guy goes away when there is no reason to go just because I editted the footer and added simple text there.

    I am working on this theme for like 20 hours straight and done nothing actually just dealing with this annoying issues only I didnt finish it, this is just 1-2 hour job for me but took 20 hours straight no sleep for no sense issues.

  6. 1 minute ago, Chris Anderson said:

    This will be toggled on or off via your hosting provider. Some providers will have a user accessible php settings page where you should find this setting.

    There is no consistent location for php.ini files from hosting provider to hosting provider.  Sometimes they are hidden from view and sometimes they are unalterable by users or certain settings are ignored.

    You should be able to view your php.info output in your ACP support page.  

    If you can't readily find your php.ini  file and aren't provided access to turning off php display errors then you might have to contact your hosting provider customer service and ask for help.  

    Done it but I still have a VERY GOOD annoying issue at the moment I spent 20 hours straight on this theme for fixing issues.

  7. Public Display of PHP Errors Enabled

    Your server is set to display PHP errors. This is not recommended for production environments as it may cause sensitive information to be publicly disclosed. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator and ask them to set the display_errors PHP setting to Off


    How to turn this off I dont want it on my website, I cant find PHP.ini or anything where this is located?

  8. Hi sir, if we cant fix this, we can reinstall the theme files or replace the focus-user < where it is located, we can replace those files, If we cant I can try to install it from strach back if my licenses avaible to do it, since we dont have a lot of things in it. I need to finish this in 2-3 hours.


  9. Hi sir thanks for the support I really liked Invision Community, I am a begginer,

    About the register & user area, I changed the theme to default reuploaded changed to few other themes too, but the register area is not showing up, I removed my current menu settings to default also, but its not showing up, I think it is removed or missing from the files.

    Could contain: Text, Baseball Bat, Team, Sport, Team Sport, Baseball, Sports, Softball, Word, Label



    Could contain: Text, Page, Document


    Restored it from here, still doesnt show up.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Are you able to provide us the System Log for this issue? I'd like to ensure we resolve this for our PHP 8.1 compatibility.


    Alternatively, please feel free to update your administrator login credentials in our Client Area and I can grab it. Here's how:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    Hi sir, me and the technic service of provider we solved the issue, me changed the default theme settings I believe from some config file It was 4 I just changed it to 1 and refreshed page the website came but at the same time the service guy, he edit the file permissions etc on the folder and the website came back,


    I disabled cloudflare, now I am changing the database also changed PHP version to 8.0.9 

    bout cloudflare, is it necessity to disable cloudflare services_?

    ** Also the bug is started, me trying to add a Page, from this area Could contain: Text, Credit Card

    I selected "Animate" not the default theme,

    Than I went back to editing the page with page builder. and than Dragged the "WYSIWYG Editor" to area, typed some content saved it, it gave me a error page, I went to support area, clear cache, went to themes area, and had 500 error.

  11. Hi sadly my invision community is chashed,

    first I tried to add rich text to a page, it gave me error on the page, I clicked go to support and checked the issues, there was 3 issue 1 with database 2 cloudflare caching and 3 Push Notifications, I cleared cache and went to themes area because it was saying like non default theme, I went to themes area than server gave this error first "Template core/admin/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme."

    and now status is this

    Could contain: Text, Page

  12. Hi thanks, now we have another thing trying to solve and understand I didn't want to open new ticket for this, I will try to explain from here.

    Could contain: Text, Page, WordI am having this issue, I talked about this with my developer also wanted to ask here, 

    I am having this announce on panel, the public html is wordpress setted up, /forum/ is where invision community is, for this issue should we talk with the hosting and tell them to change the functions,

    also another question is, does wordpress uses this functions to run so if we disable them can we have issue on wordpress side,

    also I dont know if we should only disable it for invision community folder /forum/.




    I found some solutions on this Dangerous php functions enabled topic, 

    the question is disabling this functions, can they damage my wordpress site on public html?

  13. Hello, I am setting up my first invision community, I need your help for Enable Friendly URLs, I asked my developer how to do it also waiting for his respond but I wanted to ask here also for your help,

    I read the description but didnt get it well since I am not good with htaccess editings.
    When enabled, Friendly URLs will not include 'index.php'. In order to support this you must configure your web server to rewrite all URLs for your community directory to the index.php file. For assistance on how to do this, contact your hosting provider or system administrator.
    To see the .htaccess used for Apache servers for comparison"

    So should I downoad the file and copy texts put it to > public.html .htaccess file?

    "Rewrite URLs? " < setting 



    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /forum/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map|webp)(\?|$) /forum/404error.php [L,NC]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /forum/index.php [L]


    Invision community installed on "public.html > forum/" folder.

    Sorry for annoying.

  14. Hello,


    I have a wordpress site using the main domain.com I want to connect my invision community Cloud site to my site but I want it to show like domain.com/forum/*

    Is it possible I can use invision community cloud and connect it to my domain from domain.com/forum/ or I need to make a subdomain like forum.domain.com

    Thank you for any help.

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