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Benjamin Gröner

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Posts posted by Benjamin Gröner

  1. After I made the phtml template work, I've got now the problem, that changes in the template are not applied.
    If I change its content, I see still the content of the old template version.
    I see in the database, that there is still the old content in the core_theme_templates table, even if I clear all caches.

    So it looks like this update mechanism is kind of broken, at least on development instance.
    Again, if I download the plugin, then delete it and upload it again, everything workds and gets updated.
    If I change the template file in developer mode, nothing gets updated . . .

  2. Hey,

    I tested it now several times and the weird thing, that I found out is, that when I create the widget freshly via the developer center, then the template thing won't work.

    But if I download the plugin, then delete it and then upload the downloaded xml. Then it works . . .
    So for now I found a solution, but it's still weird.

  3. Hi @Miss_B,

    thanks for your answer.

    Unfortunately that is exactly what I did, because that is what is written in the code comments.
    The only difference is, I  did not uncomment the line you mentioned, but the second line, because I am developing a plugin and not an app.


  4. Hi community,

    I am currently developing my first widget in a plugin. I want to use a phtml template to render the output of the widget.
    Unfortunately, it seems as if the phtml template is not loaded.
    I also tried to debug it and as I see it it searches for the template in the database, but the template is not in the database.
    What can I do, to help the system find my template.

    Here are some details about my case.

    • I created the plugin via the ACP.
    • Then I used the developer center to create a new widget with the Key tpArticlesSearchHero
    • I see that all the files are created in the backend
    • When I test the widget with a static output string, everything works fine so far.
    • I add the file tparticles/dev/html/tpArticlesSearchHero.phtml to my plugin structure
    • I add the line
      $this->template( array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'plugins', 'core', 'global' ), $this->key ) );

      to the init function of tpArticlesSearchHero.php

    After I did all this, I run into the exception "template_store_missing"

    Am I doing anything wrong here? Is anything missing here?
    Should the system add the template file information to the database? If yes how and when is it done?

    Hopefully anybody can help me. Thank in advance.


    Here are some screenshots of my setup


  5. Hi community,

    I was wondering if it is possible to extend the page settings with custom fields.
    How would I do that by implementing my own plugin?

    Why am I asking this? We have various kinds of pages in our future community. And depending on the type of a page I want to display different things in the header bar.
    So, what would be the best way to extend the page settings with a custom field?
    I could use the meta fields, but that seems a bit dirty to me.

    I am looking forward to read about your ideas.


  6. Hi community,

    I am Using Auth0 as auth provider with Invision Community.
    I setup the normal SSO process and it seems to work quite nicely.

    Unfortunately the Logout part still does not work. I expect the logout button to logout from my auth0 session as well as from invision.
    Is there anybody with experience regarding this issue?
    If I define the auth0 logout URL as external logout URL in invision I get logged out from auth0 correctly, but invision still thinks I am logged in.

    Cheers and kind regards,

  7. Hi community,

    I am fairly new to invision community. We are setting up our first community for a customer with it.
    So I came across the datastore directory and was wondering what's the core concept behind it.

    I see there is much information stored inside it in php files. My first question was, "why php files?"
    What I also don't get is what it actually does. Is it configuration data that is stored in it? Is it more like a cache? 
    What will happen if I clear the datastore directory? Will the application be broken then, or will it populate again by itself?

    Is there a guide that describes more about the datastore directory?

    I am happy for any helpful answer.

    Thanks and kind regards!

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