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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by isvans

  1. On 12/10/2021 at 4:23 PM, hackinOS said:

    Ok, i will report later, tks. And i have noted is, after updated to 4.6.9 it's showing this. But 4.6.8 is normal.

    Sorry for hijack this topic for a moment, but I just wanted to confirm that this problem also happened to me, being in v4.6.8 as I did not updated to the new version yet.

    It worked for me in one "OP topic" in my forum, but when I tried to reply it with another YouTube video, a 403 error page appeared. Disabling the Mod Security on the domain fixed the issue.

    Do you mind asking if you're in "namecheap" provider? Or is this a "Mod Security" recent update that gets troubled with YouTube?


  2. On 11/27/2021 at 12:56 PM, vansq said:

    I am unable to set the award points with decimals. For example, you create a new topic and you'd earn 1,5 Points. You reply a topic, you get 1 Point. I guess this app, as of now, doesn't support decimals? Are there any plans on adding two decimals (maximum 2), so we can "reproduce" real money as well?

    Example: When you have 1,000 points, it'd show you as 1,000.00 --- and then you open possibilities of two decimals for marketing purposes.

    Thank you!

    Echoing my last message, I forgot to say if this can be taken under suggestion at least, if there could be any plans to release an option to allow decimals or only integers, as it could be beneficial for all of us.



  3. 8 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You would need a plugin to achieve this:

    With this plugin you can choose to enable/disable post count increase by app.

    Thanks for the answer!

    I can guess that the plugin will take effect inmediatly - I mean, even if right now I do have many articles on Pages, if I install this afterwards and I disable the option on Articles, the total post count visible will decrease automatically, is this right?

    Best regards,

    -- vans

  4. Hello,

    I would like to place a request for three specific features that will enchance the Forum experience for me, and my users.

    Two of them will involve the Plugin Member Shop, which offers a virtual currency (Points, or whatever you name it), and basically you  will be using those virtual currency to purchase them and apply on the user's accounts. The idea of these features is to make them open to future idea changes, to start making it simple and keep improving with time.

    I will simply give the "basic" idea here. The developer who likes this request and wants to seriously have an appointment to give more details and discuss on the timing/pricing, please feel free to either post in here or send me a Private Message.

    In case you wonder, I have already asked the "Member Shop" developer to do this custom work for me, but unfortunately after some thinking he led me into posting this in here.

    The features would be the following:


    1) Add stars next to the username everywhere in forums/pages/whatever. --- we can make this in an easier way, I will hear suggestions out, and we will think of the best way to do this.

    Users will have a panel called "stars" where all stars will be shown, every star with a "Lock" (so they cannot wear it). Each star will have a cost (set in AdminCP). In that stars page, we will have a line saying something like: 

    Current Total Star Value: [xx Points / $xx ]  ---- Dollars is assuming that the points have some "real" dollar value, in case users want to purchase points vs $.

    Then, each star will have a value. Users will unlock stars to be elegible to select (wear/unwear) once they reach that star value. Again that star value will be set in AdminCP.

    Admin can upload as many stars as he wishes. Stars will be shown next to the username EVERYWHERE in the forums/pages, articles... where the username is visible.

    I can show live examples of this, but felt to simply give you a global idea. This feature


    2) Purchase Orbs for usernames.

    Orbs are nothing more than username color change, but a bit more advanced. Users will be elegible to purchase DEFAULT orbs (set in admincp with fixed colors for everyone). Note, colors will have different glows of foreground and background colors.

    Then, we will also have another orb which is customizable by the user, meaning that he can choose the foreground/background color, and he can change the colors any time he wants.

    Also, users who purchase orbs, can wear/unwear them at any time.

    Of course, each orb will have a NAME set in admincp, and a price set in admincp. Once users purchase one orb, it will be unlocked and elegible to wear it and unwear it.

    The point here is to have few default orbs (ie: one green, one purple, one red... users cannot customize them but to buy them as default ones). And then, we will have the most expensive one, called "Rainbow Orb", which is fully customizable for those who bought it.


    It would be dope if it could show a preview in each orb, with the user's name, previewing how it would look like.


    3) Add customization of Topic Titles vs Points.

    Here let's put this simple:

    - Add a possibility for users to spend their points in creating topic titles customized. The customization will consist on:

    ~ Make your topic Bold

    ~ Make your topic Italic

    ~ Make your topic [Red]

    ~ Make your topic [Green]


    And mix them up. Each option will cost "x" points (set in admincp). If you choose more than one, prices will add up. Obviously you cannot choose two colors at once. Would be nice if in AdminCP we could add/remove new color options so more possibilities to customize are there.

    Topics will be shown everywhere (index.php / forum.php / anywhere that the topic title is shown) with the title customization chosen. I will enter in more detail of where to be shown when we discuss the final custom work. I will try to keep it as simple as possible.

    This is a funny way for users to use their points and have an extra value.


    --- I can have images, live examples, or whatever is needed in all three features I'm asking. But you will get a general idea on this. I am not in any kind of rush to do this, so even if you're working in something else you can work on this. We simply have to agree on a deadline and pricing that is fair for both of us.


    Thank you,

    -- vans

  5. Hello everyone,

    I'm kind of new in Invision, wanted to start by thanking the team as it's an awesome product.

    Unfortunately I'm a bit unexperienced, and I'm trying to get knowledge on everything but as you can imagine, it's a bit overwhelming sometimes. I wanted to know if there is any possibility that the Articles I post (or anyone posts) in Pages, do not count as Forum Post Messages, as I would like to differenciate between "Pages" (or Portal, web) content and Forum posts. I tried to double-check through the AdminCP settings, but I can't find anything to disable articles from increasing the Post Count.


    Hopefully this is not a big noob question, sorry for that. Thanks in advance,

    -- vans

  6. Hi,

    Is it possible to modify user's points in the AdminCP? If so, where is that option? In case you can't, it might be useful for a future version.


    If the answer to the above question is no, I guess you can modify user's points in database. Unfortunately I didn't find it, could you point me to the right direction?


    Also: I am unable to set the award points with decimals. For example, you create a new topic and you'd earn 1,5 Points. You reply a topic, you get 1 Point. I guess this app, as of now, doesn't support decimals? Are there any plans on adding two decimals (maximum 2), so we can "reproduce" real money as well?

    Example: When you have 1,000 points, it'd show you as 1,000.00 --- and then you open possibilities of two decimals for marketing purposes.

    Thank you!

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