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Jack Corsellis

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Posts posted by Jack Corsellis

  1. 52 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Yes, you followed the forum, that means you will receive a notification every time a new topic is created. A user has to follow topics to get notified of replies. 

    Thank you. So if I am understanding correctly - to receive the email notifications you have to follow each topic individually rather than the parent forum . Is that correct?

  2. When a member follows a forum then they can choose to receive notifications, emails (day weekly) etc.

    When choosing the notification setting then the member's receive a notification bell when there is a new comment or topic but don't receive a new email each time there is a new topic/comment in that forum.

    Is this expected behaviour?

    I thought we would receive an email each time a comment or topic was added to the forum being followed.

    Is there something else I need to set up to make the emails work?



  3. For one of my forums, I have locked it to all but admins.

    we want to use this forum to post daily alerts - and to send emails about this alert to all members.

    I know that members can manually subscribe to the notification but we would like to:

    1. bulk apply the email notification setting for this forum for all current members within a group.

    2. automatically set this up/enable when a new member is added to the community.

    Are these possible either out of the box or with a plug-in from marketplace ?


  4. A few of the members on my forum have messaged me to say they have received a message preventing them from reacting to further posts that day because they have hit a limit. 

    I would like to increase this limit or remove the restriction altogether.

    Is this possible? I can't find the option in ACP

    thank you 

  5. I have a paid/locked down forum and as part of this forum, I offer daily 30 min calls to my members which are recorded 

    The call recordings are currently manually uploaded to my learning platform Thinkific but I would like to automate this through Zapier. Unfortunately Thinkific doesn't support zaps and so I am wondering whether to leverage the downloads functionality of Invision community instead (which does support zaps).

    The idea would be to upload the videos to download folder in Invision community.

    Members would be able to view these and download them but NOT be able to upload to this area.

    is this feasible with the downloads functionality of Invision community and what it is intended for?
    many thanks 

  6. I have a paid/locked down forum and as part of this forum, I offer daily 30 min calls to my members which are recorded 

    The call recordings are currently manually uploaded to my learning platform Thinkific but I would like to automate this through Zapier. Unfortunately Thinkific doesn't support zaps and so I am wondering whether to leverage the downloads functionality of Invision community instead (which does support zaps).

    The idea would be to upload the videos to download folder in Invision community.

    Members would be able to view these and download them but NOT be able to upload to this area.

    is this feasible with the downloads functionality of Invision community and what it is intended for?


  7. On 12/18/2020 at 1:02 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

    OK - so the permissions must be allowing them some kind of access.

    I go to this https://community.jackcorsellis.com/topic/139-ibd-50-etf-ffty-showing-strength-current-market-thoughts/?do=getNewComment and I get the message indicating that I'm not allowed to "Read Topics"

    Can you provide a link to the forum within which that topic exists, please?

    Thanks @Nathan Explosion.

    if you go to https://community.jackcorsellis.com/ then can you see the topics and posts widgets (and their contents)?


  8. I have set up Zapier between my learning platform and IC in order to set up a new member when a new enrolment on course. During setup in the form on Zapier, it asks you to complete what information to be added to the IC record - name, email etc.

    It also enforces that you enter a password. I cannot get past this.

    what I want is for the member to be able to receive an email asking them to set a password instead of me sending a default password to them (which will end up being the same password for all new members until they change it).

    if I add a member in the admin CP then this functionality is available.

    is there anyway to make this work via Zapier?



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