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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by commandosqueak1

  1. I tried switching back, the site still doesnt load and thats including the admin panel. so have no way of disabling the customisations. 😞
  2. @Gabriel Torres that sounds like a similar issue I am getting. Upgraded from 7.4.3 to v 8 and getting 500 errors. but this is for the whole site including the admin panel. No idea if its possible to disable the customisations without the admin panel is there?
  3. Hi All, So I help run a small car forum based in the UK and we use the invision software. we are on the latest release and noticed it say we needed to update php from version 7.4.30 to version 8.0.0. So I asked the company who look after the server to install php version 8 for us. I then restarted the services in the WHM panel and then checked the forum admin console and it still said not updated. so the server company then told me I would need to change the php version for the site In cpanel under multi php manager. I did this and only had one option listed to change (see below). updated that to version 8 and now the forum doesnt work. I am getting a 500 error. the home directory is still showing as 7.4.3 but the domain says version 8. The server co seems to think they cant do anything else and i need to speak to invision... hence why im here. Im pretty sure they are just fobbing me off but either way I am hoping you lovely people may be able to help. As you can see in the image above the domain is at version 8 but the system / home directory is set to 7.4 and needs an admin to update it. well I see nowhere in the cpanel (other than here) or in the WHM server panel to do this. Even reverting it back to 7.4.3 doesn't work. Am i being stupid here? Thanks Squeak
  4. So I have recently taken over a forum as webmaster as the old one has just disappeared on us, Not got a lot of experience with forum software etc so please bear with me. On the admin CP it recommends updating the character set from UTF8MB4 to a different version of UTF8. I set that upgrade going last night and after a few minutes it looked like it got stuck. I left it so I wouldn't break anything and it come up with a 500 error. Sorry I didnt save the exact error for some reason. Closed the browser and reopened the forum and all was still fine up the upgrade was still recommended so had failed. I logged on to the back end I noticed that a lot of things were out of date too or will be very soon so I took a "backup" and started work on updating mysql the back end software and php. That all went fine with no issues. Rebooted the server, logged onto the forum and the adminCP and all was working fine. Went onto the support section and the character set was still recommended at being changed, so I gave it another go and this is where it all went wrong. Got the same error as before. Think it was a gateway error?! Ok so I restarted the browser again and opened the control panel. looked at the support and this time it said there was an issue with one of the tables and offer to fix it. I let it fix it and it failed and gave me the following error: Tried doing a repair of all the databases on the backend and even rebooted a couple of times but still get same error. If you click the try again button under the error you then get this error message: That clearly wasn't going to work so the only thing I could think of was to restore from the backups. Turns out the backups had been failing... Another issue to look at. No wonder the last webmaster decided to bugger off. So it appears I have a couple of tables missing and no backups and a repair doesn't work either. So I am kinda stuck in a pickle and no idea what i can do to fix this. The forum is currently down since 2am BST last night so about 10 hrs so far. Anyone have any idea where I can go from here?] Thanks
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