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Posts posted by IPBPowerDev

  1. Hello, 

    I try to make an external auth system for an other PHP Script directly linked to my forum but i have an error because when a password contain a special character like ('ç"&éçàç&#.? , it will not send the special character in the API request, here is my api Request for external user creation:

    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://mydomain.com/api/index.php?/core/members&name=$nameIPS&email=$mailIPS&password=$passIPS&group=$group&validated=$valid");
          curl_setopt_array( $curl, array(
              CURLOPT_USERAGENT        => "MyUserAgent/1.0",
              CURLOPT_USERPWD        => "{$apiKey}:"
          ) );
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    $response = curl_exec( $curl );												

    If my $passIPS contain a special character, there will be a problem and the password entered will not be the same, because there will not be certain characters.

    I would like a solution to solve this error and be able to send any type of character in my request.


    Regards and Thank in advance for your help.

  2. Hello,

    Like i said in the title, it's can be a good idea to download theme and plugin file directly here https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/

    and not only on ADMINCP because when you need something like that... :


    It's can be really usefull.

    Please, give possibilities to download ,purchased theme & and add-on for have acess to files, Docs, Help files...


    Regards and sorry for my bad english 😞 .

  3. Hello,


    I'm a bit noob with API 😞,but i need it for my commerce. I want, when a customer lunch a my .sh script on his Ubuntu or Debian VPS, it will ask him the product key before start installation.

    Can someone help with that with a sample code or something 🙂


    Regards and thank in advance for your help!

  4. I have a little problem on my admin panel .When i try to create language, i have this error:

     The chosen locale is not supported by your server. Your hosting provider or system administrator will be able to provide a list of the locales supported by your server 


    I try to make FR translation and locale code for french translation is fr_FR but it's not work.

    I'm on plesk(on my own VPS and have root acess).

    Regards and thank for your help

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