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  1. I can't believe that an infrastructure like cloudflare is useless...more than 90% of cloudflare's users are there to hide their ip 🤔
  2. Thanks for your reply, so you say that is impossible to hide the server IP for protect from DDOS if I send mails ? 😐
  3. I can send mails with smtp of gmail for free, but the server IP is always visible. You can hide your server IP with elasticemail ?
  4. Oh you maybe use gmail directly with smtp.gmail.com ? I tried it but I have ever the same problem : Received: from smtp.gmail.com ([MY.SERVER.IP]) I configure the smtp details in the IPS settings : https://prnt.sc/rldi85 I need to configure anything in WHM too ? Thanks for your help
  5. Thanks for your reply. You pay +/- 10$ monthly for Gsuite, right ?
  6. Thanks for your reply, Yes I use cloudflare, that why it's useless if my server IP is on the mail header 🙃 Can you give more informations about the third-party mailing service operation ? Because I tried a external SMTP from another server, and configure it on the mailing settings from adminCP of IPB but the IP server stay the "sender". my knowledge ends there (...for now)
  7. Hey, I want to hide the IP address of my server in the mail header for security and DDOS protection reasons. I tried an SMTP but the server is the sender, so the IP of the server is visible on the header of the mail. The IP is visible with mail() and SMTP too. I found this trick to use a second IP but I would prefer not to see an ip in the header so that we can not identify my host, and it is preferable that I use an external solution if it's possible (in the event of an server ip blacklist, my host will close my vps). Is it possible to hide this IP or use another external method ? I am not really experienced in vps configuration, all I learned is by browsing on internet but on this one I do not find much that can inform me. I hope to be in the right section, Thanks for your help !
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