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Posts posted by beardsleydee@gmail.com

  1. 13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Invision does not have static IP addresses. They need to allow any traffic to/from remoteservices.invisionpower.com. 


    10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    As mentioned above, the IPs are not static. You should be whitelisting the above mentioned address. Ideally, just *.invisionpower.com and *.invisioncommunity.com would ensure you dont have any issues in the future


    Thank you very much for this response.  Much appreciated.  


  2. The Quote feature is no longer working after the upgrade.  It used to have quote and multi quote options and when you clicked on either, you were taken to your reply.   Now there is only one option and when you click on it you go to the first post in the thread.

    Could contain: Text, Page, Word



    Further there is a huge "Search In" box blocking who's on line and new topics and it won't go away no matter what.


    Could contain: Text, Flyer, Advertisement, Paper, Brochure, Poster, Person, Human


    website is:  bonanzabrand.info


  3. 5 hours ago, Jim M said:

    You would need to restore a file backup which you took prior to starting the upgrade process. That is the only way to return to the previous release, I'm afraid.

    If you do not have this, the only way forward would be to work with your hosting provider to upload the set of files from the Client Area.

    Thank you, Jim.  Because of your excellent response, our host was able to restore the files and we are up and running again.  We are however unwilling at this point in time to upgrade to 4.6.10 because of the fails.  

  4. 8 hours ago, Runar said:

    Yes, but you’ll have to post the error messages. 😉

    These are the error messages in question.  Please understand that these files have been present on our site for the last two years and have been present for every upgrade.  I did not upload them. I don't know how to upload manually. I do not know how to set permissions. I am not a developer or tech person--just the site owner who assumed responsibility for the site January 1, 2020.  Mark Round was familiar with our site and assisted on occasion during 2021. 


  5. Upgrade froze when extracting files.  Notified Sucuri and they whitelisted my IP. When I clicked on "complete upgrade" I got a list of errors which I have never seen before when completing previous upgrades.  I haven't done anything with these files to cause them to all of a sudden be unacceptable.  The message says I can't proceed with the upgrade until the errors are corrected.  Meanwhile the site is down.   Our previous "go to" person's mail box is no longer receive messages. Can someone help? 

  6. On 8/7/2021 at 10:23 AM, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    My suggestion to them is to use chrome and they have been quiet ever since.. 🙂 But it is hard to get a grip of this error... many users complain, but none has posted an actual error.

    We have told them to press Ctrl-SHIFT-K in ff so we get an actual error to work with..

    I installed latest Invision update on Saturday and have a member using Firefox who could no longer post.  I gave her this information about Ctrl-SHIFT-K and she got the error.  Now what she should she do?   

  7. We've been using your award system for 7 years and have numerous badges awarded to members.  Our ability to award new badges disappeared with the upgrade to Invision 4.5.4.   If I purchase your 2.0.2 from the Marketplace, will those old badges go away?  

  8. I'm still awaiting a response to why I can no longer upload new badges into iAwards.  I presume it has to do with the 4.5 upgrade, but it is frustrating not to be able to let my members know why they are not getting their badges.

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